Which company to choose from?

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I am helping out a friend and couldn't really think what to tell her :)
So here's the problem, she has got multiple offers:
1. Akamai - She went through a lonnng series of interview (it would seem the company is famous for having longish interviews). Final offer CTC to CTC was 25%, there are some benefits too like RSUs (should they be considered as part of CTC?) but she was dejected about the hike after being grilled for a 3.5 hrs long interview.

2. Igate - Got a 40% hike, banking on Akamai's offer. It seems the company has an infosys like policy of staying in office for 9hrs etc something she doesn't like.

3. Barclays - The company capped him at 30% hike and also need to move from Blr to Pune. I can't really find much about the company's culture over the internet.

4. Deloitte - 35% hike. the company experience has varied a lot depending on departments, plus the inteviewer literally told him for the amount of salary being asked , deloitte expects her to find leads, agree on contracts, build a team and deliver on projects.

Which will be better of these 4?
Depends on what she wants to do. Akamai is known for product, is she going to work on their product, CDN/network infrastructure? If yes, I would go with Akamai.

But is it management kinda role? Then may be whichever has higher pay (cos thats what comparison is being done in OP it seems)
Nope, not into CDN/Distributed systems and thats where the problem lies. Still Akamai promises to provide a wider experience in the field, deloitte/igate will provide more consulting experience. Barclays will be a much more about relaxing job.
^ I am not sure what the definition of 'right type' for her would be? Wants relaxing and a challenging job, two diverging points. In any case, finally made up her mind about joining Akamai - the company sure looks good on paper and glassdoor, even if the salary bump is less.
Anyone know abt the culture in Akamai? Wfh, hikes, promotions etc?
Abhi, ask her what is her short and long term goal both career wise and life wise. Also ask her to consider her existing skills and expertise, whether she can utilize those in the new jobs and whether she's is comfortable completely changing domain and learn new things. After realizing these, I think she can choose better. The four companies you have mentioned are completely from different type of domain and work environment.Since the difference between the offer is not that big, I'd advise her to consider the other aspects than money.
P.S. - I'd advise not to consider IGate at all unless she aspires of long term onsite.
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The field is BI and the role is of consulting when you consider service based companies - Deloitte, Igate. Barclays and Akamai's role is about working on same project for the company instead of external clients.

Does Igate have the same stupid rule of 9hrs in office like Infosys?

@sabby - Those are pretty deep questions ;) Only if people thought about such things deeper. The comparison was made on a money basis cause people do ask about what's the offer. Its of no consequence if the company culture is good. I know people in Deloitte who are both very happy (a guy who is on 6mths van vas at home, hardly goes to office) and not so happy (a guy who has been burdened with work for 12hrs a day). So the query was more on the company culture really.
My friend joined Akamai and things have not gone exactly as per plan. It has turned out to be one of the worst choices. The manager who eventually convinced her to join has been shoved out in place for a "yes man".

During interview she has stated that she doesn't understand admin related activity in her technology. There were assurances of someone helping her out to learn which has not materialized. She has even been asked to work on unrelated stuff like Windows operations and another technologies without even a KT (this was agreed upon in interview, only when there is a 20% downtime from work). Its not even 4 months and she wants to resign from the company. I have to keep convincing her to complete at least a year.

PS: Not to say that Akamai is good or bad, just the experience with the team she joined has been crap.
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