I have been using Copernic for quite sometime now. (started with version 1 & now v2). Wanted to know if there are any better & more efficient desktop search programs out there (for free ofcourse
Am using XP sp3 on a dell D410 (1GB ram) & have 1000's of documents.
1. stay with Copernic 2.0
- preview window
- Can index my corporate address book (outlook based). Very handy to check phone nos, addresses etc when not connected
- starting to get heavy on the system. (brings the 3 yr old lappie to a halt)
2. Google desktop search
- Had used it once when it was in the beta stage. Didn't like it because it could not index my corporate address book
3. Yahoo desktop search
- used once in the past(~2005/06). was kinda slow back then.
- limited functionality
4. Windows Search 4
- don't know much about this
Any other?

Am using XP sp3 on a dell D410 (1GB ram) & have 1000's of documents.
1. stay with Copernic 2.0
- preview window
- Can index my corporate address book (outlook based). Very handy to check phone nos, addresses etc when not connected
- starting to get heavy on the system. (brings the 3 yr old lappie to a halt)
2. Google desktop search
- Had used it once when it was in the beta stage. Didn't like it because it could not index my corporate address book
3. Yahoo desktop search
- used once in the past(~2005/06). was kinda slow back then.
- limited functionality
4. Windows Search 4
- don't know much about this
Any other?