Which Engineering College to choose?

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Hello guys,

I need little help in ascertaining which engineering college to choose for my cousin who has just completed his 10+2:

» With 60% aggregate marks
» ComedK rank is around 23,000
» Computer Science or ECE preferable
» Management seats also preferable

Please suggest which college to choose considering good infrastructure, reasonable cost and prospective placements. Location is not a constraint.

THere are certain good colleges in Karnataka. But, choice of good branches at good colleges will be limited. Or, if u choose to managament seats, donation will be exhorbitant. Perhaps ppl from bangalore (inzider, hooligan, nikhil, sandy et al) could give you better inputs.
ComedK rank 23K ?? What abt CET ??

And with his COMED K rank, he wont get a decent seat anywhere without paying money .....
Hes from New Delhi, so no CET. I know 23k is a paltry rank, but he cant afford to drop an year. Any college in and around B'lore would be good I guess.

D00d, please come up with some real options. ;)

He highest "contact" he got is me. :bleh: (Hes my cousin). Can pay a resonable amount of money though. Heard bout some Ghousia College near B'lore, how is it?
i think you shud tell us how much dough he can pay ... coz u can get into PESIT for around 10 lacs .... (from wat ive heard) ...
Ghousia ??? Crap......

Tell him to try management seats in PESIT/ RV/BMS / BIT/ etc...... these are among the better colleges in Bangalore.

I hope Ck nish gives more info..... He is in another college...waiting for his feedback.
If he wants a seat, esp in ECE or Comp Sci it will cost in excess of 5 lakhs and close to 10 lakhs for the top 3 colleges(RV,PESIT,Ramaiah). Moreover it will be very difficult to get a payment seat now as most have already been taken. As far as Ghousia college is concerned, im living in bangalore and havent heard of it.
And Manipal isnt in Bangalore :P It is near Mangalore.

But the crowd there is absolute crap. I know of a guy who was my classmate in 2nd PUC( 12th) who ran away from there after a week because of all the ragging and the way people are treated. This guy was not the usual kind of guy who runs away. He was a strong character. But if he had to run away.... that made me rethink abt Manipal. He said drugs and drinks are so damn common. If you dont smoke or drink, the guys will mercilessly torture you.....
lemme tell u the rates.
RV 14 lacs.
BMS 9 lacs.
PESIT 7 to 9
and BIT 9 lacs.
hope this helps.
note : recetly a guy went with his cunsellor with 10 lacs to get in RV they said not a penny less than 13 lacs.
y dot u try clleges in nagpur i'm goin there i just been there awesome campus very good placement. google coming. already 55 out of 80 placed. i asked more than 20 ppl in the campus. check for ycce or pcea in nagpur less donation if u want .. i have contacts in management. :)
index check the site.
i had very bad idea abt the college til i visited .. its realy good and the sorroundng is awesome clean and clear and all outide campus too.
only concern sometimes nagpur univ u dont get the marks u want.. just like the crappy west bengal board stuff.plus since it has CT u can get in companies of electronics stuffs too and moreover it has open campus placements. u can sit in any companies comin in any colleges under nagpur univ.
^^The rates arent that high. Is only that much if you get it done through an agent. If you know someone in the collegem you can get it done for about half the price or a bit more.
@hunt3r : Gousia is d one at Ramnagar,

If location is not d concern, try KLE's BVB Hubli/SDM Dharwad/BEC, Bagalkot.. all d 3 are good colleges in every manner...

PM if u need still more details... if u have already got a seat.. pls ignore..
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