Which Gaming Console To Buy ??

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Hey Friends,
Firstly I have used Sony Playstation 2.
I was very much impressed with PS2.
But there are lack of New Games So I am Planning to upgrade
Here are my following requirement
1. It should run all Latest Games of Action, Wrestling and Racing
2. It's Games should be easily available in market

I will be buying a 2nd Hand Gaming Console
So my budget is around 8k

Thanks in Advance
spend some extra cash & get the ps3

1 - It has some great games like uncharted series, God of war 3, heavy rain kill zone series & resistance 3 & infamous series

2 Especially Blu ray playback
Are you going to use the console for gaming + Media player and buy expensive movie blurays?
If Yes, get the PS3.
If No, get the PS3.

On a serious note, just check the gameplay of the exclusives on youtube (as suggested above). If you like what you see, then go for the PS3, else whatever is cheaper.
as the consensus is here, even i would recommend getting the PS3 if you could spend some more, otherwise get a used X360, play and be happy :)
You will have to spend heavily on games so think about that before you are going to buy a PS3 , new releases cost no less than 2k and old games are priced arnd 1.3k , the safest bet being you dont buy a game when it releases and try getting hold of a good 2nd hand deal sometime later.
Well everyone has faced this dilemma: An upgrade from PS2. A 5-10k console with cheap games. You are faced with two options.

Xbox 360: Cheaper to start up. It can be hacked/jailbroke/modded (whatever you call it) and used to play games of "questionable" origin. Uses DVD or Dual layer DVD (DVD-DL) or sometimes two disks for newer games. Plenty of title but not the PS exclusives like GoW and Uncharted or GT series.

PS3: Consoles sell for 10-15k second hand. Only ones running 3.50 or earlier can be soft modded. The newer consoles cannot be modded as of now. All PS exclusives available. Uses Blu Ray disks.

Now legally, both the console games sell in three price brackets:

New games= Rs.2500 - Rs.3500

1year old Games= Rs.1200 - Rs.2000

Old Games= Rs.700- Rs.1500

(not absolute figures)

I use a PS3 which I got for 19000 bucks new an year ago. It ran 3.4x when I bought it. I have not hacked it. My collection of a couple of games cost me Rs.30000+ over a year for almost 19 games. So the games are very expensive.

Now you might natually look for a modded console to save money on games and sacrifice online gameplay but in case you are going the legal way and buying legal games I suggest the follwing:

Buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 (Jasper model or later only) USED for around 10k

Buy second hand games ONLY.

Second hand games: Most economical way of playing games. You can buy almost any game used and for a low price and then again sell it for a loss of a few hundred bucks which is worth it. Even new games are available in a weeks time. Eg: MW3, BF3 and NFS which were released in November were already available second hand used by December for about 500 to 1000 less than MRP.

I bought the following games in a span of two months: ALL USED:

AC2- 550

ACB- 800

ACR- 1800

RE2- 200

Enslaved- 800

RDR- 800

UC1- 600

KZ2- 600

HAWX- 400

I bought only one new game in November. NFS the RUN for 3000 bucks.

You can see for the price of one new game I have bought almost 5 or more games used.

You can play and then re-sell them.

So what you are saying is that the latest ps3 would be very tough to be modded to be used with torrent downloaded games, right ??

Whats the current version in PS3 (you said later than 3.5 cant be modded) ??

Can a ps3 also used to burn blu-rays ??

How can ps3 be used as a media player ??

Sorry, I am a little naive in console gaming.

Thanks in advance.
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