which glue for reparing subwoofer cone :(

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My audioengine sub got little bit damaged recently, dont know how and why :( :(

attaching pics, from where the joint got off, and with every beats that thing vibrate drurrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

needed advice on which glue should i use, in order to stick that thing, tried silicon didn't worked well :( :(

you should use an epoxy which is flexible after curing as well as give support to the tear. so you may want to use thin layer of fevicol and thin paper to support the joint.
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Use a rubber based gum used for fixing tire tubes, don't use feviquick (it eats away plastic). If that does not work try a rubber sealant (used for waterproofing rooftops), if even that does not work then your last option is to use a silicon based sealant.
The Fevicol SR series worked flawlessly, now again boom boom boom started :D :D

Logitech z-5500 + Audioengin A5+ Bamboo + Audioengine S8 Sub + Creative Champhion sound card :D :D
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