PC Peripherals Which HardDisk

Chaos said:
I got a seagate 300GB SATA2 for 5.3K all incl. The Hitachis are more expensive and don't come in the 300gig variety. If you see the hdtach thread, the new seagates seem to outperform the hitachis by a fair margin. Good deal I must say.
Now which new seagates are u talking about?? And post some links na...
Could I RAID a hitachi and a seagate 250 gig with any probs? Someone mentioned the WD HDD's heating less than the others.. true or not?
x86 said:
guys .. my dealer has qouted me 5650 for the 250 gb hitachi hdd and havent qouted me nything for wd hdd.
i'd like to know the best 250 gb hdd and how the 16 mb cache makes diff over 8 mb? and which one shud i go for?
shud i try raid?

Got the seagate 300GB 7200.9 series (16MB buffer, SATA II) for 5650 tax paid. Hitachi 250 GB should be around 5k
lord_nemesis said:
Got the seagate 300GB 7200.9 series (16MB buffer, SATA II) for 5650 tax paid. Hitachi 250 GB should be around 5k

Can u Post the Model No of the Seagate u bought. I m intrested in buying this HDD. Also which City do u belong to.
Chaos said:
^^ Heat is never a problem with desktop drives. I'm talking about the 7200.9 and 7200.10 drives. All answers to your questions here:


You can RAID any two drives... even different capacity ones. Obviously you'll lose some space if u RAID drives of different capacities.
Now lets get down ta it.. I have an SLB. its running 3 HDD's, on a 550W so power no issue (see siggy rig 1). one hitachi 250GB runs at around 45~52 deg
WD 250GB runs at 40~49 (this drive is only 1 day old :p ), while the 160GB maxtor DM9 runs @ a whopping 57~71, yet its fast, not very noisy etc.... what could be up??
shado_chazzer_killer said:
Can u Post the Model No of the Seagate u bought. I m intrested in buying this HDD. Also which City do u belong to.

i have the same hard disk and the model no. is ST3300622AS
super_saiyan said:
OT : just a query...is there a difference btw the sataII harddisk connector & a normal SATA connector..? i currently have installed a SATA hdd...my mobo has no info abt the SATAII

no there is no difference between the sata II hard disk connector & a normal SATA connector.

SATA I motherboards support SATA II hard disks at SATA I speeds.