Which is better ipad2 or acer iconia A500 tab?

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Yes,I ordered from letsbuy and cancelled it the next day,as I got a good quote from a nearby mac dealer(he only deals with macs,but assured me a good deal for ipad2).

But my major concern is the limited video format support in i.os.

I plan to use it during those long boring office trips(we drive around 8-9 hrs almost every day and mostly too tired to take out the laptop) and barely get time to convert videos,sync with itunes and stuff.

When the hell is the new tab coming?
Ohkk i think u made right decision to not go for ipad2 since for me it doesnt offer anything extraordinary than original ipad.

U shld really test out HC its great . Since u want for ur long office trips get samsung tab 8.9 coz size isnt too big and u can enjoy goodness of HC. It can play each and every format u throw in , so no conversion , sync required.

It shld be out by mid june afaik.
techpal said:
I don't like the fact one has to JB to use I pad to its full potential. What it does after Jb should b done out of box.

Just forget that Apple would ever give you that right... :P
8.9 3G might take like August to be out in India, or at least late July. Although it might happen sooner, don't bank on it. The release date is like 2nd week of June for 10.1 Wifi. 3G may come later as there is no release date as yet. 8.9 will release after 10.1. So 8.9 3G could be a long deal 3 months away!
After reading gannus post my vote goes for the Ipad2. But your usability and how you are going to play it is most important here.
VLC media player on iPad plays all types of video formats out of the box without any conversion / resolutions issues . :)
Yes but it has been taken down i think from the appstore. So it can't be installed without a jailbreak. But there are others like Oplayer HD.
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