Which Multimedia Linux

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A Nobody.
Hi all..
I Tried to make Vista as my primary OS on a single go and as some of u may have known it was not a smooth sail...

So i decided to create 2 more 25 Gb partitions and install XP and a Linux

SO which Linux to use.

I want

1. the best UI
2. Loads of video and audio player options..features..codec packed...
3. Internet Browing should work with cable modems or BSNL
4. Development ofcourse VC++, C#.net..if possible
5. should work with my canon ip1000 printer and if possible my bluetooth dongle which is a widcomm software having broadcom chip.

so reply ASAP please.

If anyone can provide the discs i will be happy very much.

According to distro watch the most popular multimedia distro's are;

(note: this is list of popularity on distrowatch and is not nessesarily a measure of it's quality)

1. GeeXboX

2. MoviX

3. dyne:bolic


5. Mediainlinux

is it true? are these still active projects? good enuff? bug free??
been usinf linus from my 10th stds.. so my first foray was abt 8 years ago...it was Redhat...

so far i have use... knoppix...ubuntu..dyne:bolic..open suse..mandriva...abt that much..

but havent used one and lost touch with it for last2 years or so..so have no idea whats in and whats out..
Has anyone ever seen this knife before and can it really be used on a bayonet? It is said that it can fit together with a AK47 rifle. Maybe it is a copy of some old military knife that was used back in one of the wars? The website that it is on is FREE Shipping Of Wholesale Items China Direct Wholesaler Distributor I am wondering if it can fit on any other types of guns or rifles. Does it look like something that would be used by Chinese, Koreans, or Russians. Here is a link to the knives page 100's Of Knives Wholesale Online Ordering Shipped Direct From China and it is the knife with the number 406023 right at the top of the page.Any help would be appreciated before I order it all the way from China :)
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