Which multimeter to buy ?

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Well my car is giving lot of problems off late....just changed the battery as the old one again got discharged.......now at changing station the guy was using battery alto meter circuit and checking the voltage.....and showed how the battery was not getting charged.....
so thinking to buy one to check my self...is multimeter buying a wise decision..also how and which one to buy(i have no idea abt same their voltage settings limit and all except testing same)????
whatever you decide to buy check out the meters at Skyking, these guys have a good selection of meters of all types and prices. This place is a few shops north of PC Guide in Lamington Road on the same side of the road.
any cheap digital one will do if its just to check the battery. Prices should be in the ~250 buck range :)

For a battery, you just need to set it to the 20V DC setting - that should be all
Two years back, I bought a multimeter from Mastech, MAS830 on somebody's recomendation. It's working fine. You can look for this one.
lol china in this dept too.....thanks for all the advice will make my purchase and will post bak my experince..lol..thanks again
i dont think one must really care bout calibration wen buyin a digital multimeter.. i bout one from the road side on lammy rd.. got it for some 120 buxx... n it also depends on ur purpose.. so jus for checkin car batt i think this shud be fine..
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