Which of these refrigerators to get??

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I went to a Samsung shoppe tonight and liked the following 3 refrigerators:

589 Litres Side by Side Refrigerator - RSA2NQTS1 - Side by Side - Refrigerator | SAMSUNG
570L frost free refrigerator - RT77KBTS - Frost Free - Refrigerator | SAMSUNG

541L frost free refrigerator - RT72KBTS - Frost Free - Refrigerator | SAMSUNG

Pricing is similar for all 3 with the last one 3k lesser....now, am upgrading from a 340L ltr or so fridge and all 3 are good upgrades in terms of capacity.

Liked the side - by - side one in terms of pure aesthetics, but one entire half being freezer is something of a let down.The other half is also less wide and due to hard separation between the 2 doors.

The 2nd 579Lts double door is huge, has PLENTY of space and is a an awesome feeler, but in the looks department, its pretty much bland - more or less like the trillion other fridges in the shoppe.

The 3rd one is exactly the same as the 2nd one, just a bit down on the capacity.Accordingly, pricing is also down by 3k for the 30L less capacity.

Can anyone plz share their experiences in selecting/de-selecting between normal double doors and side-by-side ones?Am looking to hit the deal by tomorrow itself and max budget is 50K, nothing more.

Thanx and regards

The side by side is OUT - you don't need that big a freezer. Plus the space is narrow even for the fridge.

Go for the 570L - as it has the same freezer size as the 540L. So the 570L gives more space in the fridge dept.
A side by side 2 door refrigerator is costly, occupies more space in a flat and consumes more power. Additionally, you might not want all that freezer space. If you are a family man, it is practical to go for the largest regular two door refrigerator you can afford.

One thing if you are choosing the 570L or the 540L...make sure that you have enough height in your kitchen and more importantly, depth as a 570L esp. will be deeper and this reduces your passage space especially if your fridge is placed at the entry of your kitchen or if it is not in a corner.
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