Audio Which PC speakers



I used to have some old speakers with my PC, which were good, but now are broken and can't be helped.

But along with this, my PC is also showing signs of heart failure, hence I have decided to build a New PC from scratch, but I need some speakers.

Is it better to buy dedicated PC speakers or buy a hifi or home theater system and link that to the PC?

I still need to write down what exactly I want, but I was thinking of buying the following speaker system from logitech.

Has anybody got this? if so, is the LCD control panel wireless?

i dont have them myself, but many members are proud owners of these set of speakers and by their talks it seems Z-5500 are one of the best in their segment. If you can afford them, dont hesitate to go for them. You might want to ask around for more details in depth, but i would surely recommend these.

I personally own Edifier C3 (Rs.4800) and if you are looking out for 2.1, i would recommend them or the MX-5021 which are from Altec Lansing. Both are on par when it comes to quality, but looks like the latter has more power, hence more loudness.

Hope this helps ;)

Thank you again for your post. haha.

I like the look of the logitechs, but sometimes looks aren't everything.

I will be looking up the recommendations you made aswell.
those are the z5500 tht are around 550w RMS..cost 16k-19k odd

wts ur budget, requirements(muzik, moviez, gamez??), room size.

lcd panel is on a satellite speaker...all are wired...u get a wireless remote as shown in the pic
My budget for the speakers is around £300 min (yes in pounds as I am in the UK). The Logitech I have seen are around £180 in last time I checked, which was 1 month ago.

hmm. Disappointing, as I would have hoped for the LCD panel to be wireless.

I would like a system without wires, as I want to setup the whole "home theatre" thing in my study. Agian, I just wanted to know what it sounded like from members here who have already purchased this kit. It looks very nice.
for tht much amount u can get custom amps n bookshelves n setup a decent hometheatre system. sangram would help u on this.:)
i woudnt suggest wireless system coz the clarity wud b disgusting compared to wired its basic that transmission of power wireless has much losses compared to tht wen wired.:cool2:
Errr these wired speakers is a smart buy, problem is you will end up spending up a lot of money just to get a wireless set-up with same audio quality like wired ones. Wires are no big deal man... just hide them, no use getting wireless speakers.