All OS Which SIM adapter to buy?

Hi all,

I recently got a Nexus 5. Still have to start using it. Nexus 5 requires a microsim, and I am using regular SIM on my older Samsung phone. Wanted to inquire about SIM adapters before I go to get the SIM cut. Because, I will need a SIM adapter in case I need to put the SIM in the older phone again, or any other phone.

Read about SIM adapters that a bad one can easily cause damage to your phone, or the SIM. So, which SIM adapters are good?
If your sim isnt that old then you can easily get it cut from a local mobile/sim sellers shop.
They will analyze and suggest you whether to go for a cut or visit your operator and get it exchanged for micro sim. Your operator 'll give you the adapter free of cost.
Hi all,

I recently got a Nexus 5. Still have to start using it. Nexus 5 requires a microsim, and I am using regular SIM on my older Samsung phone. Wanted to inquire about SIM adapters before I go to get the SIM cut. Because, I will need a SIM adapter in case I need to put the SIM in the older phone again, or any other phone.

Read about SIM adapters that a bad one can easily cause damage to your phone, or the SIM. So, which SIM adapters are good?
I am using noosy and they are assumed to be of very good quality, don't have any complains sim adapter&_sop=15
Thanks @nRiTeCh ... will inquire from the operator first.. what to do.

Thanks @paarkhi for the reply .. much helpful :).
And wow.. just Rs 19? :O .. same is priced much higher... around 100 or so on other sites. Still, I noticed that ebay is not offering the choice of cash on delivery, and is priced low for local delivery only. Shipping cost addition and other things will make it costly, like the other sites. I should inquire in the local shops too, and see what prices or brands they have got.

I had inquired for one, and it was for Rs 50/-. Dont know the brand though.

Thanks for the replies. Strange that I did not get any email notification for these replies.
Be really careful when you use any kind of Sim adapter. Many times adapter can bent the phone's Sim pin if u remove it in hurry. Pay attention while u insert or remove the sim with adapter.
Just my 2 cents.
I inquired at a shop today.. was selling Noosy sim adapter for 100. Bought it. Looks good.

However, I did a stupidity. I have not yet cut the sim. Still, I thought of trying out the sim adapter without the sim to see if it fit. Big mistake! Now it's stuck, because the space where the sim goes is empty, and it's now stuck in the sim groove. I think I will have to take it to the mobile repair shop. I do not have the right tools with me, otherwise I would have opened the phone myself. I see no other option at the moment.

Sheer stupidity. Don't anyone do that :D.[DOUBLEPOST=1422370824][/DOUBLEPOST]Managed to get it out. Found a piece of plastic used as collar straightener. It was just the perfect size.. for pushing inside the sim adapter, and also the perfect width.. just pushed it inside and it pushed the sim contacts down, and the adapter was able to come out easily. Got lucky, didn't had to take the phone to a service center... neither the phone got damaged. Gives me a lesson.
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That's the reason I mentioned in my last post. Even with cut sim when you take out be real careful.
Good to know that u took out without bent the Sim reader pin.
Good luck !! [emoji14]
Hehe.. thanks :D. Yea, I have read of phones being damaged because of a stuck or cheap sim adapter. I guess I got lucky to have removed it so easily. I found many instances of this problem while searching on the internet, so it's a common problem. Sometimes changing technologies can be a pain in the behind.
When you get your sim cut, the rest of the sim will act as adapter(their are cutters on ebay for as low as 40 rs), don't know why you needed to buy the adapter in the first place. Also the original sim should fit in rest of the sim card nicely after cutting as the micro sim is the part of that original sim.
A sim adapter holds the sim in place, so that the sim does not fall out. How are you going to achieve that with what you suggest? Have you tried it actually?

Sim cutters are available for cheap, yes, but for a one time use, what's the use. It's better to cut it from a shop, or the operator.
Amit is correct. actually using the orignal layout of the sim is better than after market adapters. because plastic on original sim is less prone to damage the pins.


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Even i use the above contraption .. its better than buying a sim adapter . P.S. i too have a sim cutter and adapters too but nothing beats the original sim cutout part .
I got the SIM cut yesterday. One shop was charging 50 Rs for it. I told them that it takes 10 Rs, and then they said that nowhere they will take 10 Rs. So, I went to another shop. They charged Rs 30 for it. I just gave it, because I thought no point in roaming about.. atleast he was charging less than previous one. But really, there is loot everywhere even for such small things :/ .. makes me real angry.

Anyways, I got the SIM cut. I had bought SIM adapter set of Noosy before. I had taken the micro SIM adapter with me. But, found that after cutting, the micro SIM won't fit into the adapter, because of being big.

I had not taken my Nexus 5 with me. So, I just got back, and found that SIM was a little bit loose in the Nexus slot, but thankfully, the phone works well. It's good that I did not force them to adjust the SIM according to Noosy adapter, otherwise I would have been in trouble.

But, really, quite disappointed with Noosy adapter that I got. Thats just 100 Rs gone to waste :/

Also, the guy who cut the SIM, probably didn't take care, and the outer covering of the SIM broke from the side. So, I guess I cannot use the outer cutout part now, like it was suggested here?
Don't know man where you live? :p In my hometown we get it cut for free and in cities max 10 bucks.. He probably has very old cutter, which lost it sharpness.
I am in Indore. Oh well, I didn't go to a lot of shops.. just two. Maybe I would have found a shop where they charged 10 Rs. My mamaji got it cut for Rs 10, just a few days ago, don't know from where.

Whatever, this greed for money is just growing in people.. it's just sick.