Which version of Windows 7 is the best for me?

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Mate I already said that there's no option of manual forcing. Just right click, and "Troubleshoot Compatibility". I just selected this option for the program which wasn't working, and OS automatically suggested "Win XP SP2" as compatibility mode & Voila!

Dude Ive seen my brother running age of empires III on W7 HP on his laptop in compatibility mode. He had could select Win Xp sp 1 sp 2 sp 3 win 95 etc...

Windows XP Mode is different from Windows Compatibility Mode.

Compatibility Mode - Present in all versions of Windows 7. Most newer software that runs on XP (32 bit stuff) will work with this mode ( if it doesn't automatically run on Windows 7, i.e.).

Windows XP Mode - Only in Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate. Requires a virtualisation enabled CPU and virtual machine software (like Windows virtual PC). 100% support for everything that could ever run on XP. Useful if you have older 16 bit exes and dlls which don't run even in Compatibility Mode.
#JuGGa do you need to connect to the internet to access this feature [as I do not have an internet connection], I'l try it some day and keep you updated.
#amithkallupalam : XP Mode is kind of a virtual machine with built in networking. you can access drives of your win7 and install & play most of the games. You will be able to do that in VMWare also. Both of them will consume too much memory, so why don't you try dual boot with xp and win7.

I have used win7 pro, and there are some restrictions. Thats all. Since you are planning to use non genuine copy, go with win7 ultimate. there is no speed difference.
#JuGGa do you need to connect to the internet to access this feature [as I do not have an internet connection], I'l try it some day and keep you updated.

Though it doesn't asks me for internet connectivity, but I'm connected to internet all the time. But I don't think it needs. Nevetheless I'll try it without net and report back to you sire!
well i have used professional and ultimate both and i like professional more as it doesnt have all those bloatware i dont need like windows games ,bitlocker and multi lang.

ps. both are legit

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