Which wireless broadband isp??


I'm living in a hostel in VIT, Vellore and need a broadband internet connection.. Now the hostel authorities will hardly let me get a normal phoneline to my hostel so i need to know which is the best Value for money wireless connection available in Tamil Nadu... Any ideas plz??? :huh:
its not like u will have a lot of choice .. go for bsnl .. that will be the best ..

OOOOPs .. just noticed .. wireless broad band .. well you are SOOL - persuade them to let you get a wire .. scream about getting "modern" and make them get broad band .. or lump for Reliance wireless card
here are your options.

1. Get yourself a RELIANCE PCMCIA wireless Data Card which cost around Rs.4000 initially and you have to suscribe to the appropriate plan.

2. Get Yourself the Super release from tata indicom --"Plug2Surf"Whiz :clap:which is as small as a pendrive to surf the net.

I would prefer this tata indicom thing becauise it is a lot convenient, small-sized, and after all no complicated driver installations, itz juz USB device. And when i compared the plans of Reliance and Indicom, Indicom is more economical and flexible. So I advice you to go for it.

OR go for this (only if you;ve got no mobile,)(i don't think:D))

3. Buy yourself a CDMA internet ready phone from Reliance, Tata Indicom or Airtel and use that phone to access Internet.

The most important part of all these. Ensure that you have enough SIGNAL STRENGTH from your provider at your area. Signal Strength will gr8ly affect the connection.

I juz now saw your thread, and replied as soon as i could.

I'm sorry that i couldnot help you earlier. If i had visited this earlier i should;ve provided you this as i myself has enquired and compared about all these.

Any further explanation needed??Then, ask..