CPU/Mobo Who Wants To Buy AMD?

If i for one wanted AMd to sell then it would have to be Google and not nVIDIA or Samsung... Ofcourse M$ could also buy it but Google coming out with a free console is a nice proposition...
Apart from Samsung, I don't think any of the others makes sense.

While MS has a very close relationship with AMD, they will NEVER piss off intel by buying AMD. Neither will Google (even though they are not dependent per se, Intel has much more influence in the Linux kernel than Google does, and Google does not want the kernel to diverge so far from their chosen path that they are forced to switch to BSD/Solaris). Nvidia has no real need to buy AMD, and I am not sure they will take the huge risk involved. They may not actually get a good deal for ATI when they sell it off (think about it - Google sells you their search engine, but says it will stay in the game. You can bet they have something up their sleeve, so you won't pay much for what they offer) and the cash demand would be killing for them.

Only one that does make sense is Samsung, and they are the only company that has practically no need for Intel (and therefore no worries of pissing it off).
Or AMD stays afloat, with cash infusion coming from Petro dollar countries as those guys have realised that idle dollars just lowers their net worth. One just needs to keep things in perspective, even if AMD is able to chip off 1% of INTC mkt share then it actually becomes profitable.
KingKrool said:
Apart from Samsung, I don't think any of the others makes sense.
While MS has a very close relationship with AMD, they will NEVER piss off intel by buying AMD. Neither will Google (even though they are not dependent per se, Intel has much more influence in the Linux kernel than Google does, and Google does not want the kernel to diverge so far from their chosen path that they are forced to switch to BSD/Solaris). Nvidia has no real need to buy AMD, and I am not sure they will take the huge risk involved. They may not actually get a good deal for ATI when they sell it off (think about it - Google sells you their search engine, but says it will stay in the game. You can bet they have something up their sleeve, so you won't pay much for what they offer) and the cash demand would be killing for them.
Only one that does make sense is Samsung, and they are the only company that has practically no need for Intel (and therefore no worries of pissing it off).
How about Sun Microsystems? Many of their servers/workstations are Opteron machines, and their renewed interest in x86, I wouldn't rule them out as potential buyers. Sun is one company I'd like to see in charts once again.
PHENOM seems to have gone all wrong , another mistake(maybe this one) and the company goes down. I would love to see an Indian compete for this bid sadly we dont have any hardware manufacturers here.

OTOH, samsung will employ its usual strategy, cheap stuff with low quality. maybe that'll push Intel into lowering prices. :D

I dont see any other of those mentioned who will stand a chance against Intel
Sun doesn't have the kind of money you'd need to buy AMD. They could manage it, but it would put as much strain on their cash flow as acquiring ATI did on AMD. Not exactly a smart idea. In any case, they'd be loathe to do so. It would make their customers unsure of T1 and T2. Selling Opteron based servers is one thing, making your own opterons is another. Plus, Sun is no longer in the fab business (while AMD has its own fabs).