Monitors wht to do to protect lcd screen

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i m lcd screen alot...since whoever comes home praises if they havent seen it b4.......btw i c alot of finger prints or dust stuff on the screen........i want to know is there any stuff to protect the screen..........

i guess i cant use any liquid stuff....since i checked 1drop of water and it left a mark..and any other stuff my worsen it........
I use vinegar mixed with water to clean my laptop lcd. always use soft, smooth cloth for cleaning. dont spray directly on screen spray on cloth and use.
wont any liquid stuff harm it na????i do use soft clothe but today i tried dried cotton...but it left some other white mark on screen so again started using same old soft cloth.......
no vinegar mixed with water will not harm it but dont spray directy on lcd make cloth damp and use. dont use cotton use some very soft cloth. only alcohol, acetone and other chemical based cleaners will damage it.
i use a soft damp cloth (water only) followd by a dust-free dry cloth; works fine so far.
I have a Screen cleaning cloth which I got from Lamington road - this is made for LCD screens and the guy imported it from USA - phone Raju at 2386 6796 and ask him if still in stock - he is located next to Computer Selection - opp the Police Station. The shops name is Premier.

I have not used it as I dont have a LCD screen any more but I saw someone else use it and it really cleans LCD screens quite well.
thks 4 the info eazy ill check it myself....during my next visit....btw is there a device through which we get 2 o/p of cable wire guys?????my tv and comp r close....but when i myself clip a wire to the one goin to tv.......gets bad print of channels(pictures distorted).......i mean device must give both o/p simulateously...not the one where u want 1 to work and other dies......i hop ppl get it wht i m trying to say
^ I guess what you mean is a cable tv splitter ? Should be available, i've normally seen the cable guys use it . You could ask your cable guy himself.

Though I dint understand what you meant about getting poor picture quality?
magnet said:
....during my next visit....btw is there a device through which we get 2 o/p of cable wire guys?????

If you go to Lamington Road you will find many shops there who sell Cable TV hardwares like what you want - the one I used to go to for splitters and cables is a shop named "RAJU and RAJU" this shop is on the same side of the Lamington Road as the Police Station about 7 - 10 buildings further South. These guys have imported splitters and I bought some from them made in Japan which is of much better quality then the Indian stuff.

When I asked for splitters these dudes asked me if I want a TAP or SPLITTER or something else - I do not understand the differences but I think I got a TAP for splitting my CABLE INTERNET and the TV.
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