Why are we targeting politicians alone?


Sincerely want your peeps view on this article on rediff...

We Indians are very contradictory people

Ever since murderous terrorists attacked Mumbai, the city's residents have been scathing about politicians. There are clips of them voicing their disgust on television -- blaming the netas for all the ills of Indian society and accusing them of not doing enough. The general consensus being -- 'It is high time we do something about them.'

My question to my fellow Mumbaikars is -- do what?

Nobody has any answer and we continue to vent our anger against politicians. Then there are all these armchair intellectuals sitting in television studios who are blaming one party or the other and find an escapist way out.

Ask them to come and join politics and the best answer you'll get is: 'Oh! It is not meant for me. It is a dirty business.'

So what right do they or we have to blame the politicians alone?

In response we give answers like -- 'We pay taxes, don't we?'

Does that mean that we are absolved from all duties as Indian citizens just by paying taxes?

Don't politicians too pay taxes?

If people feel something for the country, then merely paying taxes is not enough. The trouble is that no one wants to go beyond paying taxes and giving lectures about what politicians should do.

Then there is another group of people want politicians to be out of power but have no alternatives about what kind of people or governance should replace them?

If politicians are to be blamed for the recent terrorist attacks, then is it not true that the Indian Navy, the Coast Guard and the Mumbai police too are to be blamed for not taking enough measures to prevent these terrorists from entering Mumbai?

So why are we targeting politicians alone?

Look at our neighbour, Pakistan. Politicians there have abused power so much that the army has become a reality for that country. The army rules Pakistan in spite of whichever democratically elected government is in power.

When these Pakistani politicians were in power, they were ruthless against their opponents -- be it Benazir Bhutto [Images] or her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto or Nawaz Sharif. They put their opponents behind bars for some or the other reasons and made governance a one man rule even in a democracy.

Though the Bharatiya Janata Party and Congress try to score points over vote bank politics against the background of these terrorist attacks, they will not start a vindictive campaign against each other's leaders.

Last Saturday, I was at the funeral of martyred anti-terrorist squad chief Hemant Karkare [Images]. I saw politicians from all parties sitting beside each other.

I was glad to see Shiv Sena leader Manohar Joshi at the funeral. I asked him why he had come considering his party was so opposed to Karkare after he arrested sadhvi Pragya Thakur. He said, "Our party may differ on certain issues, but there is no doubt that Karkare was a true patriot and he died for the cause of our nation."

I may not agree with many of the Sena's policies, but it was good to hear such words of wisdom from Joshi at the funeral of Karkare whom his party had called anti-national.

In all my reporting years, I have found that we Indians are a very contradictory people. Perhaps that is the beauty of being Indian.

We may hate politicians with all our heart, but next year many Indians will queue up to vote.

To those who don't want to vote, stating, 'Enough is Enough', my question is: Can they come up with an alternative form of government?

As Winston Churchill [Images] often said, 'Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried.'

We have so far not tried any other form of government except for the brief Emergency in the mid 1970s, and we all know how terrorised the entire nation was during that period.

So if you are looking for answers by stating enough is enough, look at Pakistan which was ruled by the military for so many years and is a ruined, failed State.

If you want a theocratic State, then look at Saudi Arabia where women don't have many rights, and if you want a Communist state, then look how China has been suppressing human rights.

Agreed, 'Enough is Enough,' but not only for politicians but also for all those armchair journalists who sit in their studios and don't even do their jobs properly.

These channels spread rumours like the one about firing at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus [Images] last Friday, spreading panic in the city. Do they have accountability?

At least people have the right to vote politicians out, but what about these journalists? Don't you think it is high time we tell them: 'Enough is Enough' of your senseless programmes?
An honest view I want to put here - Why are we targeting TE with so much of current affairs, debates and so many new threads, It's a technical forum and we must keep a balance.
@ DC , who cares, I come to TE for spamming GT nowadays. TE seems to want general talk as much as it wants tech. You know that for a fact when political forums are considered competitive forums, and their links removed if posted.

Posting/getting tech stuff is by now a lost cause. The tech stuff is mostly a support section for the market with a lot of the threads about buying decisions.

as they say, if you cant beat em, join em :lol: At least i tried.....
47Shailesh said:
An honest view I want to put here - Why are we targeting TE with so much of current affairs, debates and so many new threads, It's a technical forum and we must keep a balance.

Do that in the technical section. This is called General Talk for a reason.
The whole article is a bundle of poop..

Indirectly he's saying that our politicians are not as as bad as pakistan's, and thus we should shut up..He raises questions but himself has no solution...

Why are we targeting politicians alone?
Because, they are the single most important reason that this country is in this state..
Navy's and policemen's fault?
Some one actually said that? Who are the people responsible for governing these departments?
These politicians interfere so much even in CBI..Ask previous CBI chiefs what their opinion is..No one cares for the outdated and illarmed policemen..the police has become a national joke and shame because of these politicians..These are the people responsible for bringing reforms which havent been done in last so many decades..

If there's anyone to be blamed its the politicians..Finally the mileage against these politicians is high..please dont try and stop it with such threads..
Have a high standard for your self..Expect more from your nation and give more to your nation:)
Party Monger said:
The whole article is a bundle of poop..

Indirectly he's saying that our politicians are not as as bad as pakistan's, and thus we should shut up..He raises questions but himself has no solution...

Why are we targeting politicians alone?
Because, they are the single most important reason that this country is in this state..
Navy's and policemen's fault?
Some one actually said that? Who are the people responsible for governing these departments?
These politicians interfere so much even in CBI..Ask previous CBI chiefs what their opinion is..No one cares for the outdated and illarmed policemen..the police has become a national joke and shame because of these politicians..These are the people responsible for bringing reforms which havent been done in last so many decades..

If there's anyone to be blamed its the politicians..Finally the mileage against these politicians is high..please dont try and stop it with such threads..
Have a high standard for your self..Expect more from your nation and give more to your nation:)

Ya I was also thinking on the same line line.....but thought might b wrong(Churchill e.g deflected my view a bit)....really surprised and happy no one supported this fool
magnet said:
Ya I was also thinking on the same line line.....but thought might b wrong(Churchill e.g deflected my view a bit)....really surprised and happy no one supported this fool

Don't follow what you mean re:Churchill ?
I think the dude has a point. S/he's trying to go the IBM way; "Stop talking. Start doing." The irony is, s/he's also just talking. :D
i am targeting this because my family pays abundant taxes so that they can roam in Z+ security cover and leave common man to die in a blast/T-attack !
One problem is that our country is rul-ahem... governed by geriatric politicians who have no clue about the realities of the modern era, especially when it comes to security. [Look at the alternative for the next PM - L.K. Advani. The old fart will probably have a heart-attack if something like this happens under his tenure.] Sure, there are plenty of security advisors and whatnot, but ultimately, executive power is not in their hands.

Throw out the old, and bring in the (not too) young.

Just my $.02
Politicians don't run the country or any country for that matter. It always has been and always will be corporations. Politicians are just there to divert our attention away from the "hidden hand", and no this isn't no conspiracy theory, its a fact.
politicians and country itself is dedicated to appeasement of minority(not christians).only BJP got some sort of love for the nation.the country will go into civil war with congress at the current POV.people who are into murderous cult cannot decipher the danger they are posing to poor non-believers.
praka123 said:
politicians and country itself is dedicated to appeasement of minority(not christians).only BJP got some sort of love for the nation.the country will go into civil war with congress at the current POV.people who are into murderous cult cannot decipher the danger they are posing to poor non-believers.
I call BS on this. The BJP are no less self-serving than the Congress. Most of them are even more so. It is trait common in most Indian politicians. Love for the nation...HAH. All they're interested in is gaining power and lining their pockets.

As far as appeasing minorities is concerned, a government should try to satisfy all segments of the population as much as it is in their power to do, no matter how impossible it may seem. After all, you can't please all people all the time.
praka123 said:
politicians and country itself is dedicated to appeasement of minority(not christians).only BJP got some sort of love for the nation.the country will go into civil war with congress at the current POV.people who are into murderous cult cannot decipher the danger they are posing to poor non-believers.

There you go with your bullshit...Havent we had enough of anti-muslim/anti-islam bulshit from you???:mad:
PROPAGANDA never ends..... Come What May.... India needs unity at these times more than anything...
praka123 said:
politicians and country itself is dedicated to appeasement of minority(not christians).only BJP got some sort of love for the nation.the country will go into civil war with congress at the current POV.people who are into murderous cult cannot decipher the danger they are posing to poor non-believers.
mr.peace is a Adulterer,Bandit,Immoral,Inhuman,Looter,
Warlord,Yucky and Zealot.