Why Is PCLinuxOS 2007 Better Than Ubuntu - A Personal Perspective


Why Is PCLinuxOS 2007 Better Than Ubuntu ?

(Ubuntu feisty vs PCLinuxOS 2007)

Hello guys...

I am one of Linux enthusiast like you people, and have used almost all major Linux distros in past.

Currently I triple boot Windows XP/ Ubuntu Feisty /PCLinuxOS 2007.

I am very impressed with PCLOS 2k7, even more than i was with Ubuntu. So i though why not write something which may help other people....

So here it goes as if why PCLOS 2k7 is better than Ubuntu :

{All things written below are completely my own views, based on my experiences with Linux and Windows, during past years and are no way related to PCLinuxOS OS or Ubuntu developers, or any other person or company mentioned below.}

1. First reason, PCLOS is based on KDE, while Ubuntu is based on GNOME.

And the hard truth is that KDE is definitely better than GNOME. ( I know die hard GNOME users must be frowning). Well, I have points to prove :

(i). KDE gives so much power and options to user to configure their system and desktop, while GNOME in their goal of striving hard for simplicity (unnecessarily and sometimes more than required) cripples normal user (sometime even Linux geeks) in terms of above said parameters. KDE Control center gives far more options than GNOME.

Even Mr. Linus Trovald supports this fact in public and encourages users to use KDE( google it to read Linus's comments.)

(ii). KDE developers are far more active than GNOME people.

This is evident by the fact that KDE is going to release its 4th version (which is a major release, a complete overhaul,i mean everything has been reviewed), while GNOME has no plans of releasing even 3rd version.

(iii). Lots of day to day used apps, like media player, torrent client, file manager, are far superior in KDE. To name a few, Amarok vs. Rhythymbox, Ktorrent vs (hey GNOME doesn't even has a torrent client), Konqueror vs Nautilus, Gaim/Pidgin vs Kopete.... Almost everywhere KDE apps surpass over GNOME apps.

(iv). Now explanations to some of facts for which KD is criticized by GNOME users mostly :

a. KDE is more like Windows.

Well first of all its not true. Because Windows itself copies all things from Mac, but you can't do anything about that, because Mac people are almost always first to bring innovation in GUI. And if Mac people were first to develop the GUI [Graphic User Interface] (rather they also bought it from Xerox company in 80's). So everything traces back to roots and looks similar. And GNOME doesn't look like Windows because GNOME in first place doesn't give many options in GUI. You know, GNOME's philosophy is simplicity.

So better allegation would be that KDE is more like Mac. But believe me fellas, KDE people bring the best of all, along with their own innovations.

b. KDE is slower than GNOME.

Again same explanation, if you need power to configure, you need to have tools to do that. And it needs, both memory and processing. And i use both GNOME and KDE, i don't see or feel much difference.

2. PCLOS has far more stability than Ubuntu. Reasons for that :

(i). PCLOS repository has softwares which have been tested by PCLOS developers completely, while Ubuntu has so many repositories available today, (though it is good in a sense that Ubuntu has max. no of softwares available), that there are very high chances that some program or library dependency from unofficial repository may cause trouble to your system. (OK, this is not for geeks..... BUT this is hell lot of problem for newbies, and mid-experienced users....)

(ii). PCLOS is .rpm based which is better and more efficient packaging model for Linux binaries, than .deb, used by Ubuntu.

[Lot of people may not agree with this. So i want to clear that this is what i have learned from my personal experience, and research on Internet. So your thoughts are equally respected on this.]

3. PCLOS comes pre-installed with most of commonly used multimedia formats(except real player, quick time, and mpg), while Ubuntu doesn't.

This point gives PCLOS a great push ahead of Ubuntu. Its too convenient in conditions like:

(i). Newbies who when using Linux for first time, just get shot when they see that their brand new Linux OS is not playing their favorite songs(mp3).

(ii). Now you will say, person above may simply double click the song, and Ubuntu will automatically install required binaries. True. But, just Imagine someone in developing nation, where Internet penetration is not good or not even available. How do you provide required binaries, as there are always dependencies involved in any Linux binary installation ? Will those people ever replace their perfectly running PIRATED Windows XP in such scenario ? Well, the answer is, NEVER.....

[I could never understand why doesn't Ubuntu pre-installs required multimedia formats. Legal Issues ? Well, i think , they are already getting into legal issues by providing it in repositories. so why not on CD ? May be some complex legal stuff..... if anyone kind enough to explain to me...]

5. PCLOS control center is a big and easy tool to configure system with just few clicks, while

there is not anything analogous in Ubuntu.

6. Some things which i personally experienced with my own system:

(i). PCLOS automatically detected that i needed a software to correct my screen resolution, while Ubuntu didn't.

(ii). PCLOS automatically configured my laptop touchpad correcly, while in Ubuntu, i had to edit x org file to get it working good. For newbies out there, its a nightmare to even find that file without any help from forums or people.

(iii). PCLOS detected my wireless card while Ubuntu didn't.

(iv). On PCLOS, i could run 3d desktops (beryl and compiz) right after install while in Ubuntu i had to install these things from repositories.

(v). On PCLOS i can run even 2 or 3 videos with 3d desktop enabled, while in Ubuntu, whenever i even clicked a video file to play, it would simply exit without anything playing. ( I have a little old laptop with no separate graphic card)

This thing made me a fan of PCLOS. I thought while using Ubuntu that i will never be able to use 3d desktop on permanent basis but with PCLOS i am a complete 3d convert.

[For newbies : 3d desktop on Linux are freaking awesome. Windows vista with its too much hyped "Live Thumbnails in Taskbar" and "Aero Flip Through Windows" should be ashamed. I mean guys, it nothing in front of Linux 3d desktops. And Microsoft spends 5 BILLION DOLLARS on research (did u read that !).

Do check out some videos on you tube. Vista users will feet like scratching their brand new Vista DVD by their own hand after seeing these videos..... So be cautious, Vista victims.......]

(v). I couldn't get flash videos playback with sound on Ubuntu, even after installing same codecs as on PCLOS, and doing all possible tweaks. PCLOS played it like a charm right after install......

(vi). With PCLOS i could select what things not to install (like i kinda don't like open office) during installation by simply uninstalling that software from synaptic, while i couldn't achieve same thing in Ubuntu.

7. What Surprises Me Really As if why Ubuntu hasn't been able to do same things despite the facts that ;

(i). Ubuntu is supported and developed by multimillionaire Mark Shuttleworth and his company Canonical, while PCLOS is developed by some great Linux geek fellas(Texter and ripper gang as they call themselves). I mean where is all that money being spent.

I respect Mark Shuttleworth a lot and am a regular reader of his blog. It seems he needs to audit his company great time.

(ii). Some big computer manufacturer like Dell (and recently Lenovo) and are supporting Ubuntu.

8. Why Has Then Ubuntu Become So Much Popular than Other Linux Distros like OpenSUSE, Mandriva. Well i see few reasons which led to that ;

(i). Mark Shuttleworth decision of sending out free Ubuntu Cd's without any cost in any part of World. This had a huge impact, because it led to wide adoption of Ubuntu in developing nations where people have Internet access but not of broadband like people in developed nations. People out there on their dial up connections could simply request Ubuntu installation Cd's on Ubuntu websites, and get them at their home for free.

(ii). Even today, Ubuntu is definitely second best to PCLOS as:

(a). single CD operating system unlike OpenSUSE or Red hat.

(b). Big community support which has developed over time due to Ubuntu's wide reach attributed to point 8(ii). And MIND YOU....... there is no doubt that Ubuntu's community support is definitely largest and best......you post a query at ubuntuforums.org, and you get the response within minutes......

(iii). And above all, PCLOS hadn't arrived before 2003.................

Hope this article will help newbies to make a right decisions by choosing PCLinuxOS 2007 as their first distro, and already Linux convert to switch or at least give a try to PCLOS 2k7 ( did someone said "distro hoping")......
Does PCLinux OS 2007 have these thing right out of the box.

> the new compiz fusion

> Divx , xvid mp3 ac4 avi playback support

> mp3 wma aac support in players

> ntfs 3g

> auto mount ntfs partitions

> auto mount usb mass storage devices

Also did u try the Ubuntu
ohh sorry that was a typo error.

its a incomplete post.

I meant to say Ubuntu Ultimate Edition not just Ubuntu.

The UE contains more packages and is a much bigger distro.

neways downloading PCLinux OS 2007 looks cool , will give it a try.
:thumb: Awesome comparison :thumb: .. But KDE is slower than Gnome its the fact .. wel you must be using 512 Mb + ram so on that difference is hardly noticeable. while on lower amt it is . and .rpm[RedHat package Manager] is more complicated though I haven't used it but saw many people crying out there abt rpm.. and .deb is too easy nothing to do ..and KDE is more pro than Gnome no doubt abt it :) but as far as appliations goes.. Amarok v/s Eaxile [both are same] .yes Ktorrent ftw :D .Knoqurrer some what disappoints me when I used the KDE few days back :( The browser sucks big time.. You cannot upload images to Imgx through it and you cannot install Firefox in KDE :mad: Seesh :| and as far as Berly is concerned ..you need not to wirte the whole code. Just open Add/Remove program in Ubuntu and u fill find under System Tools just select it and install it :) No need of adding repo and all ;) and Gnome is Simple I find Gnome more easy and customizable than KDE ..and ya KDE improves with time while gnome hasn't yet planned to launched the ver3 :( Hope to get it out soon

Nice write up.. Agrreed on main point.. but still Mark has done a praise worthy job like providing free Cds and stunning community that all counts ..Will surely give PC linux a try Repped .. Nice article :)

Here is PC linux default Desktop
Quad Master said:
Does PCLinux OS 2007 have these thing right out of the box.

> the new compiz fusion
> Divx , xvid mp3 ac4 avi playback support
> mp3 wma aac support in players
> ntfs 3g
> auto mount ntfs partitions
> auto mount usb mass storage devices

Also did u try the Ubuntu

yup it has all the things u listed by default.....

i have ubuntu as 2nd OS......
Quad Master said:
ohh sorry that was a typo error.
its a incomplete post.

I meant to say Ubuntu Ultimate Edition not just Ubuntu.

The UE contains more packages and is a much bigger distro.

neways downloading PCLinux OS 2007 looks cool , will give it a try.

ubuntu ultimate eedition is nothing different than ubuntu, but just few packages installed already......

so it doesn't offer any advantage over ubuntu, if you know how to install things in linux, which is really a straight forward task via synaptic
Dark Star said:
:thumb: Awesome comparison :thumb: .. But KDE is slower than Gnome its the fact .. wel you must be using 512 Mb + ram so on that difference is hardly noticeable. while on lower amt it is . and .rpm[RedHat package Manager] is more complicated though I haven't used it but saw many people crying out there abt rpm.. and .deb is too easy nothing to do ..and KDE is more pro than Gnome no doubt abt it :) but as far as appliations goes.. Amarok v/s Eaxile [both are same] .yes Ktorrent ftw :D .Knoqurrer some what disappoints me when I used the KDE few days back :( The browser sucks big time.. You cannot upload images to Imgx through it and you cannot install Firefox in KDE :mad: Seesh :| and as far as Berly is concerned ..you need not to wirte the whole code. Just open Add/Remove program in Ubuntu and u fill find under System Tools just select it and install it :) No need of adding repo and all ;) and Gnome is Simple I find Gnome more easy and customizable than KDE ..and ya KDE improves with time while gnome hasn't yet planned to launched the ver3 :( Hope to get it out soon

Nice write up.. Agrreed on main point.. but still Mark has done a praise worthy job like providing free Cds and stunning community that all counts ..Will surely give PC linux a try Repped .. Nice article :)

Here is PC linux default Desktop

konquerer disappoints you......
in what sense ? and can you upload images from gnome ?

amarok and exaile are same ? oh common man !! hell of a difference is there...... There is not a competitor of Amarok even on windows......
u can't install Firefox in kde ? Who said that ?

you have to write code for beryl in pclos ? Well its pre-installed and works right after installation......

kde is more customizable than gnome ? Not at all buddy...... did you write it vice-versa by mistake?
PCLOS 2007 looks promising , me even started downloading it.

@cyneuron - if PCLOS is so good why have u kept Ubuntu also.

Also so more queries.

> when will compiz fusion come in PCLOS

> does the current PCLOS 2007 offer all the fire menu effect etc etc
Why Is PCLinuxOS 2007 Better Than Ubuntu ?

As the OP specifically tells as this is a Personal perspective, I dont intend to flame but would just like to point out few things are not entirely distro dependent. My comments will be in colored text
1. First reason, PCLOS is based on KDE, while Ubuntu is based on GNOME.
Well, people who like KDE can use Kubuntu. This is KDE Vs GNOME not ubuntu vs PCLOS

2. PCLOS has far more stability than Ubuntu. Reasons for that :

(i). PCLOS repository has softwares which have been tested by PCLOS developers completely, while Ubuntu has so many repositories available today, (though it is good in a sense that Ubuntu has max. no of softwares available), that there are very high chances that some program or library dependency from unofficial repository may cause trouble to your system. (OK, this is not for geeks..... BUT this is hell lot of problem for newbies, and mid-experienced users....)
Almost all distros have a repo setup which are fully tested. But as a distro gets more popular more repos come up and the packages from these might not be tested to the level the distro guys would do. It mainly depends on what repos the user adds. If one needs stability, just stick to main distro's repo.

(ii). PCLOS is .rpm based which is better and more efficient packaging model for Linux binaries, than .deb, used by Ubuntu.
Again this is deb Vs rpm. I have used both and ive had good/bad time with both. i think its just personal choice.

3. PCLOS comes pre-installed with most of commonly used multimedia formats(except real player, quick time, and mpg), while Ubuntu doesn't.

This point gives PCLOS a great push ahead of Ubuntu. Its too convenient in conditions like:

(i). Newbies who when using Linux for first time, just get shot when they see that their brand new Linux OS is not playing their favorite songs(mp3).

For 3 and (i), This in not a technical or decision making issue from distro makers but a legal issue. Most of the said file formats or techs are not open source and also have restrictions on redistribution. Regd MP3, again its not an open format and lately companies distributing softwares with mp3 support are getting bugged by the institution/co which has the rights regarding royalties. It wont be long when PCLOS drops the support. Oh, just saw the note about legal issues below

[I could never understand why doesn't Ubuntu pre-installs required multimedia formats. Legal Issues ? Well, i think , they are already getting into legal issues by providing it in repositories. so why not on CD ? May be some complex legal stuff..... if anyone kind enough to explain to me...]

(vi). With PCLOS i could select what things not to install (like i kinda don't like open office) during installation by simply uninstalling that software from synaptic, while i couldn't achieve same thing in Ubuntu.
I agree on this, I always miss the ability to pick and choose what I want in my system. But I think the alternative install might have this, but im not sure

8. Why Has Then Ubuntu Become So Much Popular than Other Linux Distros like OpenSUSE, Mandriva. Well i see few reasons which led to that ;

I think both Suse and Mandriva got carried away in making it big as companies rather than focusing on improving their distros. Im specially disappointed with how mandriva turned out. They have not made much of any progress in the last 5years. Mark Shuttleworth is a smart guy and thats showing up in how Ubuntu is doing right now.

All said, PCLOS seems to be a good rpm based alternative for Ubuntu. I will definitely give it a try :)
cyneuron said:
konquerer disappoints you......
in what sense ? and can you upload images from gnome ?

amarok and exaile are same ? oh common man !! hell of a difference is there...... There is not a competitor of Amarok even on windows......
u can't install Firefox in kde ? Who said that ?

you have to write code for beryl in pclos ? Well its pre-installed and works right after installation......

kde is more customizable than gnome ? Not at all buddy...... did you write it vice-versa by mistake?

Ya I can upload Images from Gnome ;) ...Ya amarok and exaile are same.. :D and player like Winamp and WMP have stole the idea of Library and of being a versatile player from Amarok :p

Firefox can be now I knew that :ashamed: I said Gnome is more customizable than KDE ...:tongue: Well For sure I will use PCLinux 07 :D
Just finished downloading the pclos iso and tried the live cd in vmware.

does support playback of my divx and xvid videos and also my mp3's straight out of the box.

This playback capability is gr8.

vmware didnt allow me to test beryl , currently dont have a cd to burn the iso.
about using Kubuntu.......

Kubuntu is real full of bugs, though it has same bas system has ubuntu. but Kubuntu has never been stable like ubuntu. (u can read it on web, just google Kubuntu vs Ubuntu)

for example, Kubuntu feisty won't shutdown properly on my laptop..... always hangs, while ubuntu runs clean......

performance wise also, Kubuntu doesn't stand in front of pclos, not even its own bro ubuntu...... apps start faster, no frequent crashes like Kubuntu....

now u may say why not install Kubuntu from synaptic after installing Ubuntu..... then i feel whole system gets so cluttered that u can't stand it....

about selecting distros carefully, u know newbies always google after installing ubuntu as to "how to play mp3" or like "how to install software in ubuntu", and get ubuntuguide.org or similar guides/tutorials, and from there they add too many repos to ubuntu source list, and then get in trouble..... not always but really high chances, while PCLOS has every software available (i mean whatever less or more available as comared to ubuntu) in one single repo, which is enabled by default.....

u dint answer as if why is that providing same illegal codecs in official ubuntu repos doesnt bring up legal issues ? i really want to know this.... In ubuntu,it provides a direct way of downloading same illegal codecs whenever you play some mp3 or avi file..... isnt this also illegal ?

about alternative install, u know that a bit tedious task...... i ws surprised why dint ubuntu provid same functionality....?

about me using Ubuntu..... again, i have already said Ubuntu is still the 2nd best distro...... i use it to experience latest linux apps, as they are always first available in ubuntu repos....... also one more reason, PCLOS runs so much without problems that i miss those days when i used to google web to solve problem on Linux, which are always there in ubuntu and other Linux distros..... so still use it sometimes just for time pass and fun.....
wah .. tempting me to try this PC Linux .. I need a OS for cyber cafe .. thinking of introducing Linux, let me try this PC Linux first.

Good work buddy.India must switch to Linux,At lease we can reduce the piracy upto an extent.
I just said that the comparison was rather between KDE and GNOME in that section rather than ubuntu and PCLOS. Im not trying to flame or dispute your experience.

PCLOS might be more stable than Ubuntu as you said, I dont know as I havent used it.

cyneuron said:
u dint answer as if why is that providing same illegal codecs in official ubuntu repos doesnt bring up legal issues ? i really want to know this.... In ubuntu,it provides a direct way of downloading same illegal codecs whenever you play some mp3 or avi file..... isnt this also illegal ?

about alternative install, u know that a bit tedious task...... i ws surprised why dint ubuntu provid same functionality....?

Regarding legal issues here is the thing:
As per GPL, any GPL complaint software package (or a distro in our case) cant have something which is not GPL compatible. So for a distro which says it is GPL compatible cant have support for mp3 or such formats which are not open licensed.

But no one can stop hosting a codec (in our case a repo) which is of closed license as long as it abides by law. Im not sure about other formats but with mp3 it seems an individual does not need a license for mp3 coding/decoding use for personal purposes. So these are hosted in a repo with a clause that you will abide by the law on your part.

Note that a distro can be used in both a commercial environment and for personal use. So it would not be a good thing (legally) to pack something that too as a binary executable code in such a package. All these were non issues till the SCO patent case, now everyone thinks a lot before packing something thats not under open license.

By doing it this way, distros will still be GPL compatible, wont break any law and can also provide the required codecs for users who need it.

For some more info on this here is a link from OpenSuse -
Restricted Formats - openSUSE

OpenSuse actually distributes another CD for these non-oss licensed packages.

In a way PCLOS is good that it provides everything needed by a new user from win/mac community, but I think its not entirely OSS complaint distro. But even Ubuntu has been accused of some dirty tactics regarding this (Maybe google can help for whoever is interested in this).
Why discuss gpl and other issues , download the distro u like and use it :)

I am happy with PCLOS 2007 , its gr8 for a beginner.

Cant wait for PCLOS & Ubuntu to come out with Compiz Fusion.
Burnt the live CD

Config AMD 3000+ , Foxconn NF4 Mobo , Ati X800XL

I am getting only a console prompt for login not the GUI based login am fedup

when i use the Live CD on my PC , Ubuntu worked well on my PC.

I logged in using root , root and typed "startx" but some fatal error came.

so PCLOS 2007 wont work on my PC kya :(

Is this coz of Ati based gpu , buit everything works fine in virtual machine on my pc.