Myself and Hmasalia here want to set up a Wi-Fi connection between our homes using a couple of USB WiFi adaptors (like these) and a couple of DIY antennae (as shown here)
This is the whole idea in a Picture form
In the image,
1 = USB extention cable ([2+2] cables for 6 mts per side length)
2 = "Poorman's WiFi"- USB adapters & DIY cookware reflectors
Instructables "Poorman's WiFi"- USB adapters & DIY cookware reflectors!
3 = Netgear 111V2 Wireless 2.0 Adapter
The whole thing should cost less than 2500/- including
2*WiFi adaptors = 2030
4*USB cables =~100
2*mesh utensil = no idea( may be 2*100)
So what do you guys think? Any ideas/suggestions etc.? Did you try anything like this?
Myself and Hmasalia here want to set up a Wi-Fi connection between our homes using a couple of USB WiFi adaptors (like these) and a couple of DIY antennae (as shown here)
This is the whole idea in a Picture form
In the image,
1 = USB extention cable ([2+2] cables for 6 mts per side length)
2 = "Poorman's WiFi"- USB adapters & DIY cookware reflectors
Instructables "Poorman's WiFi"- USB adapters & DIY cookware reflectors!
3 = Netgear 111V2 Wireless 2.0 Adapter
The whole thing should cost less than 2500/- including
2*WiFi adaptors = 2030
4*USB cables =~100
2*mesh utensil = no idea( may be 2*100)
So what do you guys think? Any ideas/suggestions etc.? Did you try anything like this?