PC Peripherals Wierd Power Issues! Please Help!

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Ok guys, this is wierd.
My HP DVD Drive, has its laser inside (i can see the red light, if i open to tray with a Pin) but it doesnt get detected, nor does it open or close. Green light never blinks. The same DVD Write doesnt work in my other PC.

Now, my Other PC's CD-Rom drive doesnt work in this PC as well, same exact symdrome. But it works fine in the other PC.
Whats the deal? I can get it.
Is it a Power Supply problem?
Grrr this is sad.
How about using a different molex connector????

Also try the Drive in your friend's house.
I tried the CD Drive which works in my other PC, in this one.
It doesnt work. But it works again in the other PC, so its not fried.
I disconnected ALL peripherals, as in Fans, HDD Coolers, and then attached it to the molex connector that i know works. But nadda, nothing.
goldie, just to clarify,

A sys, A cd - work / B sys, B dvd - notwork.

A s, B d - nw / B s, A c - nw.

& your ques is why B s, A c nw & why B d nw anywhere.
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