Wii for Rs.10800 - good price?

take it and mod it yourself..............good price..........also get another wiimote and nunchuck............Wii is fun when played with others............u will eventually end up buying it .............so get it together and bargain hard :p
apextwin146 said:
Which shop in National Market as i am planning to buy a one for myself .. Maybe we both can go and reduce the price further :p

Actually this price is everywhere in national market after a little bit of bargain. There are two shop on left basement and one on right basement.
yusuf said:
Actually this price is everywhere in national market after a little bit of bargain. There are two shop on left basement and one on right basement.

I hope the one you are referring to is the official Korean version manufactured by Nintendo. Did you buy it for 10,800 bucks? Were you able to play backed up games as well? It would be worth every penny if it works well as promised!
Another Bangalorean here.. and I've been wanting to buy one too!

Yusuf: Have you already bought it? Maybe me and Apextwin can join you and we can get bulk discount? :D