Alright, let's not get too worked up here: yes, you can control your PS3 with your Wiimote, no, hell hasn't gone all icy on us yet. See, those spiffy new Bluetooth drivers cropping up for Windows and Mac OS X were bound to show up for Linux sooner or later, and since the PS3 is a certifiable Linux box with some spicy Bluetooth on top, we don't suppose it was all that much trouble getting the Wiimote up and running. Still, the sheer irony is immense, and this seems like a big step for the Wiili folks, who naturally needed working Linux drivers for the Wiimote if their Linux-on-Wii hopes are to come true. What we don't have is any detail on the hack, or a driver download, but we're sure the internets could help you out on those fronts if you're interested in replicating this.
Wiimote and PS3 get all chummy thanks to Linux magicks - Engadget