Wiimote , Natal,SMC or STIX

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I check this out - Wiimote clone for pc with some free downloadable game with one dedicated site, also support general pc games - which is questionable called STIX

The starter pack(a controller, wristband, base, USB cable, instruction manual and 2 AA batteries.) costing $ 49.9, that is 3.5k INR ( adding 1k as buffer after dollar to INR conversion)
VaRz said:
I just love Project Natal, it is totally awesome.

YouTube - E3 2009: Project Natal Milo demo

Me too..but it feels its a sudden change-paradigm shift:S..now you want couch potato gamers (read console gamers:bleh:) wants start jumping and running -punching in one place and acting a joker of circus:tongue:. I will suggest Natal to my friends (it will be a definite fun while watching them Nataling:rofl:) and I will go with SMC
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