No, Android is much more lax on data access. I have 2 other Android devices in addition to my iPhone. By default, Android allows an app to access far too much of the system data. Most recently, for example, I found that the ICICI app refuses to work with Developer Options enabled. Same goes for a bunch of apps that want access to call logs or location before allowing you to use them. It is ridiculous that apps can choose when to not allow you to use them. On iOS, I have all permissions disabled for most of the apps and they are supposed to still work, with manual inputs. You cannot guardrail apps to the same extent on Android.You know, Apple's privacy policy with truecaller isn't unique to iPhones. It can perfectly be applied to Android too. You DON'T have to give it all of the permissions on android. And it'll work just like how it works on iPhone. You can also do manual search on android's truecaller. STOP saying it's android's fault that it let's users do more with their phones. You can perfectly choose not to do more and it'll behave just like how it does on iPhones.
STOP saying truecaller snoops on users' data. We willingly gave it the freakin access in the first place. THAT's how it's supposed to work. The spam filters and other data aren't created auto-magically by angels who fly down from the heaven. It is created by us, fed by us, managed by us, the android users. It's a community effort. So next time, when you are freeloading on the data created by Android users, try to be a bit more gracious towards them.
Manually checking spam maybe works great for you. I really wished it was that simple for me too. But stop stereotyping, not everyone has your life. For some of us, if we don't auto block spam we won't be able to work or sleep. We, unfortunately, don't live in idealistic society where everyone receives spam call only once in a week. I'm paying for TC in its second year, now with a family plan. And I don't regret it.
It's a clickbait news written by a tech illiterate to fill her monthly quota. She didn't know that Xiaomi limits its net profit margins to 5% as a company policy. It's a common knowledge. We don't need to know 50 different reasons why Xiaomi has less profit margin than Apple.
Anyway, I started the TC Premium trial on iOS and am glad that it is possible to automate the search now by using the Double Tap on back gesture and get the live caller ID.

How to enable the Siri shortcut on iPhone?
Siri shortcut is a Premium functionality that allows you to identify any incoming call with all relevant information just by saying ‘Hey Siri, Search Truecaller’, Back-tapping twice or three times on the back of the iPhone, or by simply using the...

The 5% profit margin declaration from Xiaomi has no other source apart from the CEO. There was never any explanation as to how this money comes back to users. Honesty and transparency would be the last thing to expect from a Chinese company closely aligned to the communist party. The 13 Pro at 80k is definitely being sold at 5% margin, so much so that they will reduce the price by 20k in a quarter.
And Yes, malware is just far too prevalent on Android, even on the Play Store.
Android app from China executed 0-day exploit on millions of devices | Hacker News
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