Will CryEngine2 be the new gfx engine standard

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Well... The first Gfx benchmark was Quake III engine then became the DOOM III engine and then FEAR and now Oblivion. My question now is

Q.Will CryEngine 2 be the next gaming standard ?

Q.And if yes then will it be a deciding factor in your next gfx card purchase ?

cause according me to me it will be one benchmark will would be tough to cross any time soon and my next gfx purchase hell forget gfx, PC upgrade will solely be dependent on that. I feel after Q3 cry engine will be one gaming benchmark will stay there for a long period of time. If this is not it for you then which gaming engine/game are you guys waiting for. Your all thoughts...
Q.Will CryEngine 2 be the next gaming standard ?

You can never know. Its all hyped up right now. You can always have something better coming out. Certainly something better will come rather.

Q.And if yes then will it be a deciding factor in your next gfx card purchase ?

To quite an extent yes. But for me UT3 performance matters more than Crysis'.

im awaiting UT3 which is being reworked for DX10, and Unreal engines have always been amazing. So I have a higher regard for the Unreal 3 Engine, rather than CryEngine 2.

Just my 2 anna...
Well, the CryEngine takes full advantage of Dx10, features like realtime ambient environments, realtime soft shadows, dynamic occlusion surfaces with bumpmapping etc arnt avaliable in current gen game engines, so FOR NOW, yes it will be the next standard in gaming.If you ask me, wait for a few more years when the Unreal 4 engine comes out, that will for sure decimate the cryengine.
I definitely think that CryEngine 2 will be the next standard. Like Q3 engine was used for a lot a lot of FPS in the past, I foresee the use of cry engine 2 in a lot of future games. Also UT3 engine would be used for the future games. Hopefully ID will also release a new DX10 engine and hope its not as disappointing as the DOOM3 engine. Then there is the HL2 engine which I think will be modified to support Multicore processors and DX10 graphics or they might even release a overhauled engine.
but most likely, beleive it not UT3 engine will emerge as the winner among the two engines....cos if just simply look at UT engines' track record and no. of games that have adopted it...it is simply mindblowing
^ Thats because its much older than the cryengine.Obviously the number of games/mods that use it will be high.
^^disappointing like what? hey man carmack almost spent a year coding that engine alone, tell me one game before that to have that much shadow and Frighten u with the shadows itself? but it needed hella lota horsepower to drive that engine.

as far as the CryEngine, when farcry was released it was a MOAB in the games industry, i watched the sceneries more than the enemies at my gun sight. yes UT is good but arenas which has closed space it is fine or games like Splinter cell, which everything is already predicted but not so the case in farcry, it is MAD BABY, and i ran it on my fx5200, it SPARKLED, now that needs appreciation, im looking forward what the Crysis can do to the present system and then decide which card to take, the nvidia Beast or the ati beauty.
^^ The Unreal Ungine, was amazing in scaling as well.

UT2003/2004, worked on my FX5200 with almost full settings, with 60+ FPS.

Amazing graphics for the time as well. In fact they're still quite good.

I think the Unreal 3 Engine will outshine the others. Simply because of experience.
Aditya said:
^^ The Unreal Ungine, was amazing in scaling as well.

UT2003/2004, worked on my FX5200 with almost full settings, with 60+ FPS.

Amazing graphics for the time as well. In fact they're still quite good.

I think the Unreal 3 Engine will outshine the others. Simply because of experience.

I had a look at the latest Unreal engine(There was a demo of the gameplay) and to be honest it did not seem to be anything close to the cryengine... Forget the gfx... Look at the physics which cry engine has to offer... Definitely two steps ahead then the HL2 engine in terms of physics... And thats what i feel will kill the competition...
The crysis engine does look impressive ... though how many of the games adopt it, depends on how well it scales onto different systems
Switch said:
I had a look at the latest Unreal engine(There was a demo of the gameplay) and to be honest it did not seem to be anything close to the cryengine... Forget the gfx... Look at the physics which cry engine has to offer... Definitely two steps ahead then the HL2 engine in terms of physics... And thats what i feel will kill the competition...
Lol..apparently it looks like you haven't seen what the new Havok Euphoria engine is capable off...:bleh:
Well I think. for a game to be a great benchmark some of the criterias that need to would be:

1. The graphics engine should incorporate latest DirectX features yet be compatible if possible with previous gen cards

2. The graphics engine is popular and used by many other game developers as their base. (This would help in standardising the game requirements for all those games)

3. Make maximum utilization of latest hardware as well as on current/old hardware.

4. Should run on all graphics cards (ATI & Nvidia) without preference for either.

5. This is not that imp i guess but should be graphically good and a hit game if possible..

Quake 3 fulfilled all these conditions i guess plus it was used as a base for most of the games that were released in that period resulting it in becoming one of the best benchmark games of that time period!

Hmm, i can see CryEngine2 being a good benchmark but unless many other games use the same engine it wont reach the standard of Quake 3 unless we see more games based on that engine...

Just rambing on here i guess..:P
Hotstuff said:
but for any engine to succeed IT HAS TO BE SCALABLE and this is the biggest forte of UT engines

Yup, that is a very good point i missed out! A scalable engine like the UT and the Quake 3 results in a long shelf life for the engine and in turn a long life for the benchmark..
Switch, Im sure all the Videos you've seen of the Unreal 3 Engine are the ones which were on DX9. They had more than impressive Lighting and textures on DX9, Im just waiting to see the redone work on DX10.

Also, the Unreal 3 Engine, will make use of PhsyX processors, may it be the R600's onboard, or Ageia PhysX.

The Cry Engine 2 may be better by miles. But it wont be as successful as the Unreal 3 Engine. Im sure games will adopt the U3 engine more thna Cryengine 2... Just because of "scalability"...
Aditya said:
The Cry Engine 2 may be better by miles. But it wont be as successful as the Unreal 3 Engine. Im sure games will adopt the U3 engine more thna Cryengine 2... Just because of "scalability"...

Unreal 3 is a multiplayer game that would have ppl playing/buying it even long after the single player campaign/game (If there is) is over..

I dunno abt the multiplayer capabilities of Crysis, but with not a fan following that Unreal has, my bets are on Unreal 3 lik Aditya mentioned!
Yes, that is a good point about the scaliablity of an engine.Engines like the Source engine, are really flexible, ofcourse the Source engine is just a modified version of the Havok engine, why do u think Valve took 8 years to develop Half Life 2? because they laid significant importance on the flexibility of the source engine.
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