Will my computer go back to vista?


When i purchased my computer it came with windows vista home premium and then i upgraded to windows 7 but now i think my computer gots a virus and i want to restore it to factory settings (using hp recovery manager program) but will my computer go back to vista or stay at windows 7. is there a way to restore it (swipe it clean) but still keep windows 7 on there? and sorry about all the writing

2FAST4U said:
When i purchased my computer it came with windows vista home premium and then i upgraded to windows 7 but now i think my computer gots a virus and i want to restore it to factory settings (using hp recovery manager program) but will my computer go back to vista or stay at windows 7. is there a way to restore it (swipe it clean) but still keep windows 7 on there? and sorry about all the writing


Well if you do the 'factory restore' (or your HP restore) it will go back to vista for sure. If you want Windows 7, then use Windows 7 system restore. If you have turned that off, then you will have to do a clean Windows 7 install.
ok and i have an extra hard drive on my computer not my c: drive. if i do a clean install will it delete everything on my other hard drive to? cause when i do a system restore it doesnt delete those files.

When you do a clean install, u won't be affecting data on other partitions or drives apart from the one where you will be installin the Windows 7.

But if you do a restore, and the system came with a single partition, it will make sure that after restore, it goes back to one, so u will lose data.
OP get rid of that useless ""restore" feature. It is very risky. Whole OS is installed in a huge partition (90+ % of the hdd's capacity) when u do a restore all data is lost. Format whole HDD, make a 20GB partition as main C drive, install fresh windows 7 in C and make secondary partition of the remainder of the hdd space. This way no matter how many times u install windows u will never loose the data kept in second partition ftw! Also dump vista forever!
Its best to make a full computer backup when you install Windows, so if you ever need to reinstall Windows7, rather than going through the whole procedure, you can just restore the backup image.
Rockfella said:
OP get rid of that useless ""restore" feature. It is very risky. Whole OS is installed in a huge partition (90+ % of the hdd's capacity) when u do a restore all data is lost. Format whole HDD, make a 20GB partition as main C drive, install fresh windows 7 in C and make secondary partition of the remainder of the hdd space. This way no matter how many times u install windows u will never loose the data kept in second partition ftw! Also dump vista forever!

+1 to this.
OEMs make a huge partition and that is just suicidal.

as for the virus, 1st clean it with a good and updated antivirus if you are willing to restore it.
virus will still be there if you dont clean it before restoring.
Your partitions should look something like this:


2FAST4U said:
ok sweet, thanks eveyone
well i have a 500 gb hard drive so it doesnt really matter if i split it in 250 gb each. thats what i normally do cause i always have enough room :D

but just to be sure that im installing this right. i delete my partition C: then create it again and then install windows 7 on it.

Rockfella said:
Your partitions should look something like this:

2FAST4U said:
well i have a 500 gb hard drive so it doesnt really matter if i split it in 250 gb each. thats what i normally do cause i always have enough room :D

but just to be sure that im installing this right. i delete my partition C: then create it again and then install windows 7 on it.

or you can resize the C partition using acronis partition manager if supported for win7
I have used Acronis Disk Director in Windows 7 to change my partition sizes numerous times, so it won't be a problem. Go ahead and keep a 50GB C: and the rest as Data drive.
50 gb for C is good, if u install OS in 250GB u will loose all data in 250gb after a fresh install :cool2:

2FAST4U said:
well i have a 500 gb hard drive so it doesnt really matter if i split it in 250 gb each. thats what i normally do cause i always have enough room :D
but just to be sure that im installing this right. i delete my partition C: then create it again and then install windows 7 on it.