PC Peripherals Will this last for 5-6 years??


This is my configuration:

Intel core i7-860
2*2gb ddr3 ram
ati raedon 5770
samsung 22" monitor
corsair 650w smps

will this rig last for about 5-7 years??
Should i consider the i5 instead of the i7?
Or should i wait??
Plz follow the format


BTW 5-7 years is a long time. And the proccy will last a good 3-4 years in terms of performance. My friend got a C2D6xxx 2.4GHz for 17k three years back :D Now we can get similar performing proccies for 5-5.5k~ But those where times when C2D's were new. But now quad cores have matured. So i expect a i-5/i-7 to last longer in terms of performance

But with the GPU its hard to last even for barely 2yrs for high end gaming.

The rig would be more balanced if it is a i-5 750 and HD5850 in case you are planning a gaming rig