Will Vsonic GR06 be an upgrade over Klipsch S4

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I currently own klipsch S4.I was looking to change as it is too bass heavy.I mostly listen to rock.Would GR06 be considered an upgrade??What is the best place to buy them??Please no hifinage.Total comes out to be 4275 including shipping which IMO is costly.at lendmeurears.com its 66$.Anyone who has bought from them,Can you please provide a coupon code?They give a 15% discount to returning customers.What would be the total cost including customs??If the cost comes out more than 4k, i am gonna consider hifiman RE400.
If you are interested, i can sell off mine as i am not able to get a right fit for my left ear and so are lying unused.
K ego let me know when you sell them and please tell new about the sound quality of s4 I listen mostly trance genre
Can you try out a song for me ?
Turn up the sound by andian .
Which mobile do you use to listen songs ?
K.will let you know.Will soon try out your song.BDW s4 is suited for bass heavy music like EDM/hip hop/RnB.So trance will definitely be good.It has a very good and tight bass,nice mids and not so good treble.Can be sibilant sometimes.Cymbals in rock can sometimes be piercing.Shouldnt be a problem for your genre though.I use sansa clip+ music player.Better than any phone out there.:)

Now back to the thread!!Please help me out guys!!Someone please tag the experts like esantosh and faheem!!
I currently own klipsch S4.I was looking to change as it is too bass heavy.I mostly listen to rock.Would GR06 be considered an upgrade?

Is GR06 an 'upgrade'? In a sense, it is. I have not compared them side by side + I don't like S4 much, so take that opinion with a pinch of salt.

The bass quantity will not be as high as S4 and it won't be as sibilant as S4. The bass presentation will be softer, fuller compared to the hard hitting S4, which can be a bit headache inducing with the wrong music. But, if you are used to the bass quantity of S4, GR06 may not be enough. The mid range may be a touch more forward and also have more body than S4. You might lose a bit on the sound stage size front, but S4 tends to get a bit congested with complex music, which GR06 won't do as much. You can also look at GR02BE if you want more bass.

As for buying, $66 by direct conversion itself comes to Rs. 3600. But, the exchange rate used for conversion would be a tad higher. On top of that, there is either Paypal conversion charge or Credit Card Forex Transaction charge, which will add about 4-5%, which will take your buying cost closer to 3.8K. I have not incurred any customs on packages from LMUE. But, I haven't bought anything in the past 6-7 months, so not sure how things are right now. If you are charged, you can be charged up-to 30% of the declared value (say they declare at $25), which can add another Rs. 400. Frankly, you gain about somewhere between 400 to 600 only if you are not charged customs duty. Otherwise, it makes sense to buy locally. That is the risk in importing.

You can consider VSonic VC02 if you want to save money. Sure! It won't be at the level of RE-400, but it is also much cheaper.
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Is GR06 an 'upgrade'? In a sense, it is. I have not compared them side by side + I don't like S4 much, so take that opinion with a pinch of salt.

The bass quantity will not be as high as S4 and it won't be as sibilant as S4. The bass presentation will be softer, fuller compared to the hard hitting S4, which can be a bit headache inducing with the wrong music. But, if you are used to the bass quantity of S4, GR06 may not be enough. The mid range may be a touch more forward and also have more body than S4. You might lose a bit on the sound stage size front, but S4 tends to get a bit congested with complex music, which GR06 won't do as much. You can also look at GR02BE if you want more bass.

As for buying, $66 by direct conversion itself comes to Rs. 3600. But, the exchange rate used for conversion would be a tad higher. On top of that, there is either Paypal conversion charge or Credit Card Forex Transaction charge, which will add about 4-5%, which will take your buying cost closer to 3.8K. I have not incurred any customs on packages from LMUE. But, I haven't bought anything in the past 6-7 months, so not sure how things are right now. If you are charged, you can be charged up-to 30% of the declared value (say they declare at $25), which can add another Rs. 400. Frankly, you gain about somewhere between 400 to 600 only if you are not charged customs duty. Otherwise, it makes sense to buy locally. That is the risk in importing.

You can consider VSonic VC02 if you want to save money. Sure! It won't be at the level of RE-400, but it is also much cheaper.
Thank you so much.:).I wont miss the bass of s4.With my clip+ bass was well reduced and mids were pushed up.The thing i hate about s4 was sibilance.I searched for vc02.Reviews look good.Which one will be better suited for rock??VC02 or GR06??I want my IEMs to be mid forward but also a bit bright for cymbals.

For buying,will lendmeurears themselves undervalue or i have to contact them??There is a 7% discount coupon available which should bring down the cost a bit.Worth taking the customs risk i think.
LMUE has sold to India before, so they might know the 'procedure'. But always better to communicate immediately after placing the order.

There are two issues:
  • I have not heard either VC02 or RE-400.
  • I typically go by IEM signatures rather than suitability for genres.
After referring to Joker's review, all I can say is that coming from S4, the balanced sound of VC02 and RE-400 would both be a step in the right direction (less bass quantity, far better clarity). GR06 was a touch short on mid range clarity. VC02 is likely to have better clarity, but slightly lesser bass quantity / impact than GR06. It possibly has a slightly better treble extension than GR06 as well. I don't think they will differ hugely in terms of sound stage size. The main difference is likely to be in the crispness of mid range. GR06 is somewhat like the Brainwavz M1/M2 - slightly thicker and smoother, which is pleasant to listen to, but comes up short when you want to feel the raw energy of music. It is likely that VC02 is better.
Coming to VC02 vs RE-400 - VC02 still seems to have that characteristic VSonic sibilance though to a lesser degree than GR07 MKI. While I liked GR07 initially, this is one of the reasons I ended up selling it as bands like Opeth has plenty of vocal sibilance in their tracks. GR06 had this effect in much lesser degree and hence was usable by all means. I am not sure whether VC02 is somewhat similar or very slightly worse than GR06 in this regard. RE-400 too is likely to highlight sibilance in the recording. After all, if it's a detailed IEM, it should reveal the flaws in the recording. The difference is it may not have the bump that VSonics do and hence should not hurt the ear as much. S4 was nastier in this regard, so both should be better.
I guess RE-400 would have a slightly more spacious presentation. I think it's mid range may be a tad warmer and hence may sound a bit more engaging than VC02. The bass quantity of RE-400 is likely to be equal or lesser to VC02. It's hard to go any further without hearing either, but this is what I imagined based on Joker's review.
So, I'd say, having experienced bass heavy, sibilant S4, better go for RE-400. If you want to remain within a budget, try VC02. Both should give you a taste of balanced / detailed IEM.
You are a genius sir!!!Thank you so much!!That was perfectly described.I am gonna go with VCo2.RE-400 is outta budget.Have to save for Grados(225i).
your experience with LMUE would be quite helpful as i am also looking to get a pair from them in some weeks. dont forget to write about your experience with them here;).
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