Win XP: Disable Screensaver

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In my laptop the screensaver disable (desktop->right click->properties->screensaver tab) thing is greyed out and time is set to 10 minutes. I cannot modify this as it is greyed out. What can i do ?
I have admin rights over my machine.
1. Go to Start - Run

2. Enter regedit and OK

3. In Windows Registry editor navigate to

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop]

4. Search for "ScreenSaveActive" data key

5. Change the value to 0

Changing "ScreenSaveActive" data key to zero will disable default screensaver and if you ever wish to enable it back again, simply follow the procedure and set the value to 1.
Thanks for the tip. I did that and refreshed the registry but still the screensaver came :(
Do i need to restart machine to take this change into effect
It should not come up again.

Thats a registry hack and should have worked.

Check to make sure that the change has been saved, and then reboot.

Maybe it does needs a restart for the change to reflect.
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