Linux Win8 BCD entry for RHEL 6.3

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Short version: What should I add to the Windows 8 BCD so that it can load RHEL 6.3 which's installed on another partition?

Long version: Bought 111 GB SSD, booted using Win8 Consumer preview, created 55 GB partition and installed Win on it. Then installed RHEL 6.3 in the remaining space.
So now GRUB gives me option to boot into Win8 and RHEL, everything is fine.
Then I got Win8 Pro and installed it in the first partition after formatting it. Of course Win8 wipes out GRUB and now I can't load into RHEL.
I thought since GRUB was able to load Win8 CP, it can load RTM as well, so I reinstalled it from the LiveDVD, but it can't load Win8.
Since Win8 is my primary OS, I repaired Win8, so again GRUB is wiped out and I can only boot into Windows.

Now I don't want to play with GRUB and experiment to see if it can load Win8, I'd like to know if I can load RHEL using Win8 bootloader.

Few Notes: RHEL uses legacy GRUB. I'm a Linux newbie. I don't want to install any other flavour of Linux, because I want to learn Linux on the same flavour and ver that's used in our office, which's RHEL 6.3. I've installed Ext2Fsd, so I have access to the entire Linux partition from Win8.
Issue is MBR is overwritten with last installed OS ... here Win8

Try installing GRUB on the partition where RHEL is installed and add the BCD entry to boot into GRUB ... you can see instructions here How to Dual Boot Windows 7 and Linux using BCDEdit | iceflatline

Not sure if this will work as Win8 is doing secure boot IIRC ... however if above mentioned workaround doesn't work then share the screenshot of you HDD layout from Win8 or RHEL and will try to help you.

Also have a look at latest version of EasyBCD which has support for Win8
Thanks for the reply.
That link didn't help - as it gives instr to install GRUB to the partition rather than the disk's MBR. When I installed RHEL initially, I had to install GRUB to the HDD (it doesn't have the option of installing GRUB to the partition)
Reinstalling GRUB to the partition would've worked if GRUB was installed on the partition in the first place.
Anyway, BCD wasn't able to boot linux even after I reinstalled GRUB to the partition and copied the boot sector and added it to the BCD using EasyBCD and Visual BCD Editor.
So I had to reinstall RHEL completely and somehow it's able to boot Win8.
Issue resolved for now, but what if sometime down the line I have to repair Win8?
What should I back up so I can restore my dual boot once Win8 overwrites it?
You can try HDHacker software for MBR backup on Windows ... check for the partition table type support first before use like MBR or GPT
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