Windows 11 screen refresh loop


Hello Guys,

I transferred some folder from my SSD to my desktop this morning and all of a sudden the SSD closed and after this the windows desktop keeps refreshing iteslf. I restarted the laptop several times but I believe some windows system file got corrupted. I can't do nothing because the screen keeps refreshing itself in a loop. I cant even use the computer with the screen refreshing so fast. I am using Asus Zenbook pro laptop and I dont know how to repair windows files, I am afraid anything if I will do without the guidance may harm my important files that are stored on my laptop and I don't want to google on my own and perform fix.

Started system in the safe mode, I also tried starting laptop in the safe mode and still the refresh loop also appears in the safe mode. I need your support and proper guidance, pls help me to fix this issue guys. Thanks a lot.
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First of all you should take the laptop hdd/ssd out and then do a complete backup by using any desktop and also check it in that desktop if the hdd/ssd boots or not. If everything goes well then we ll come to the laptop part.
First of all you should take the laptop hdd/ssd out and then do a complete backup by using any desktop and also check it in that desktop if the hdd/ssd boots or not. If everything goes well then we ll come to the laptop part.
@tapankunu - Thank you so much for your reply. My laptop model is Asus Zenbook Pro UX550 GE. I dont know sir, how to take the SSD out and how to do the complete back up using the desktop. I also don't know how to check if the SSD boots or not. I can doo all this but I need help with the step by step guidance and I will be able to solve this issue. This is really important as I am completely stuck now so pls help me.
According to your model no it might have a m2 ssd installed in it and as you don't have a desktop. You may go to a pc repair centre who can help you to backup the data and at the same time he may troubleshoot the issues in laptop.