Windows 7 Blurry Text problem

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Well just installed Windows 7 on my system. Have kept XP on another partition as well but having problems with the font in Windows 7. All the text is quite hazy/blurry unlike when i boot in XP.
Its nothing to do with cleartype and it does not make a difference on or off.
Forgot to mention I have a Gigabyte 780G chipset motherboard and have downloaded the latest
version drivers for Windows 7. Catalyst does not show 1280x768 resolution at which i run in Windows
at 75Hz which I find to be the best resolution on my screen. (Samsung 17" CRT 793s) The text clarity only seems to get worse at 1024x768 i.e The Native resolution of the monitor.

Any of you guys experienced this problem, and if so, any solution to the same? Quite a few complaints on Google too about this problem.

Have done a lot of experimenting but nothing seemed to solve it. Please let me know if any solutions to the same. (Else i guess its back to XP):(

When I installed Win7 on my netbook I had odd looking text too. It wasn't blurry but very jagged. Probably not the same thing but my settings were set to maximum performance by default.

Right click on My computer > Advanced system settings > the Advanced tab > under advanced > performance (settings) and then finally smooth font fixed it for me. Though I doubt you've got the same problem.
Had tried that previously as well but dint solve the problem. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Any other suggestions?? I dont understand why the 1280x768 resolution is not showing up.
But even otherwise on native resolution as well the fonts are very clear on XP but not the case with
WIN 7. Its quite fuzzy, head-ache inducing after a couple of hours!! :(:huh:
sounds like cleartype to me :)

go to Control Panel >Appearance and Personalization > Fonts

then from the left side panel click on adjust ClearType text.

a new window will open , just select the cleartype and go

through the wizard's step by step process.

reply back if it solves your problem ;)
Right click on desktop -> personalization -> windows color and appearance. windows 7 defaults to segoe.

change fonts to xp style. (MS Serif or MS Sans Serif)
Seems its issue with your Aero style. try following

Solution 1

1. Click the start button (Microsoft Logo bottom left of screen)
2. Type into the search box: appearance
3. Click on the link that appears near the top ---> Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows
4. Uncheck Smooth edges of screen fonts

Solution 2

Change the Theme to Basic (Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization)


If you want more insight check this Link
Well tried all of the above but the issue still persists!! I installed the drivers for my Monitor, SyncMaster 793s and after doing that, i can now set the

resolution to 1280x768 which has made things much better but the font is still not very clear. On booting in XP, its perfect but somehow its not the same here in Win7. Have the latest drivers of Catalyst as well. Ive changed the font also to Microsoft Sans Serif but to no avail :(

Any more suggestions, other than going back to Xp that is?

Picasa Web Albums - Nolasco - Win7 Blurry Text

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Well have uploaded screenshots of the prob but how do i upload them here or link to them over here?

The link above does not seem to work??
Ok the above link seems fine (Picasa web albums). Text is still not clear. Another thing i noticed is that the letter "ïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" comes in another colour. Does it look brown to you guys here?
On the dpreview website, i looks blue. Another thing is that the @ sign used to come as "
Corrected that though but "" comes when i press shift along with """
That is two "" come, not one?
Are all these some bugs with Windows 7? Besides the blurry text which is really bugging me now!!!:S
try this

start -> view advanced system settings OR

control panel -> system -> advanced system setting

under performance -> settings -> adjust for best performance. hope this helps.
Well adjusting for best performance did not make any difference. Text was just as bad. What i did was change the default font to microsoft sans serif and increased the default font size to 12pt from 10pt. Its much clearer now than previously. Disabling the smooth fonts option in appearance makes it a bit better but text looks very jagged then and dont prefer that look. So its pretty usable now, though not as clear as i'd want it to be (as it is in Xp)
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