Is there any way to make windows 7 look like xp with the cleartype disabled?
xp looks perfectly crisp and sharp with cleartype disabled on my dell US2208, but when disabling it in 7, it looks even worse! all the antialiasing and fuzziness is just giving me a headache.
if someone has any idea how to make 7 look as clear and sharp as xp with cleartype disabled please share here. all the regular tips on disabling cleartype on the web dont do much.
xp looks perfectly crisp and sharp with cleartype disabled on my dell US2208, but when disabling it in 7, it looks even worse! all the antialiasing and fuzziness is just giving me a headache.
if someone has any idea how to make 7 look as clear and sharp as xp with cleartype disabled please share here. all the regular tips on disabling cleartype on the web dont do much.