Windows 7: Cure for a Bad Economy?

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..After all the fuming going out out there between M$ and Ubuntu..(u know wht am talking about).. :P

It's no secret that Windows 7 will ship before the end of the year, but a prominent Taiwanese tech executive has narrowed the release date to late September or early October, according to a Bloomberg report.

Ray Chen, president of Compal Electronics, told analysts at investors' conference in Taipei on Wednesday that Microsoft's much-anticipated OS may also ignite PC sales, which have been hit hard by the global recession. But despite his optimism for Windows 7, Chen expects that worldwide laptop shipments won't improve much over last year's global totals of 120 million to 125 million, the report states.

Highly unlikely! Switching to a new OS will be the last thing on people's minds when they are losing jobs. And buying new hardware is even more doubtful.
Yes ofcourse it will, If not we can always blame microsoft!!:rofl:

seriously what does an Os have to do with an economy, unless the whole economy was running on some remote linux distro..:lol:
win 7 sales will surely get affected from current economy crisis.......

Microsoft need to provide almost free upgrade to windows XP and windows vista users. More satisfied user, more sales.
ravi_9793 said:
win 7 sales will surely get affected from current economy crisis.......
Microsoft need to provide almost free upgrade to windows XP and windows vista users. More satisfied user, more sales.

:rofl: :rofl:
Are you all nuts. Ofcourse Windows 7 is "the only" way to revive the economy. Heck who needs food and shelter for the family. All one need is a shiny new lappy with Windows 7 on it. Too bad its coming out late this year. Some of my family member may die by then cause i would be saving for that lappy with that OS and not buying any food.
Switch said:
Heck who needs food and shelter for the family. All one need is a shiny new lappy with Windows 7 on it.

.... and there you have it, folks. Microsoft has solved the global economy issues. :bleh:

Serisouly, though... what a load crap, saying that some software will cure the bad economy. Yeh, I mean it might generate interest for customer for buying new system (yes, there are still those regular joe users on who it would work), but when the hardware cost itself is high, who would spend so much on new system just because of new OS? When their 5 year old system with 10 year old OS is meeting their computing requirement?

Wait, till Praka debunks this article with long posts and series of links to FOSS articles proving that MS is screwing global economy and linux is thy saviour!! :bleh:
how can an Operating system be a cure for recession ?
tell me or will it help companies to see whats cooking up for their in the future ,using windows 7 or something .lol
lol boogie, you corrected one of the ubuntu versions in your sig but left the other one at 10.4 :)
Boogie whats the Ubuntu version u using in your desky? 10.4? Tell me about it.

There's no 10.4 and there won't be any :P He is using 8.10 and the 10.4 you are bragging about is 10.04 LTS :P

Also Windows won't even cure computer related economy problem :P
It can't cure but it can induce growth...

Recession is more of a mindset than an economic situation I believe, people see that companies might cut jobs so they start saving, companies start loosing the revenue because people are not spending.. so more job cuts and this keeps on happening.

Any thing which brings innovation or a lot of marketing fud with itself can induce sales and thus improve the situation. If iphone would have launched now, then it would have spurred up the mobile industry ( but it might not have got as much sales).

PS : no I am not a M$ fanboy :)
GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! guys really sorry.. i dont know why i keep on doing that!! :@ i always type 8.10 as 10.4 for NO REASON in the hell!
Boogie whats the Ubuntu version u using in your desky? 10.4? Tell me about it.
vishalrao said:
lol boogie, you corrected one of the ubuntu versions in your sig but left the other one at 10.4 :)
Dark Star said:
There's no 10.4 and there won't be any :P He is using 8.10 and the 10.4 you are bragging about is 10.04 LTS :P
Also Windows won't even cure computer related economy problem :P
I some what upto certain extent agree to the point that they should provide free upgrades for Vista users.. ie. ppl bought Laptops (say Dell) with Vista Home Premium.. should be given free upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium or equal... may be if not really free, then atleast @ next to nothing charges like 500-1000bux (although, i know its not even worth that, but still..)

2ndly therz no chance in hell that this Win7 is gonna reduce or cure the recession.. its not even logical to think about it.. "what?, ppl loosing jobs? ya its due to M$... Oh Yea.. ofcourse, company has to buy the expensive OS from M$ so they need to save some money and hence therez no other way than just kicking the employees out!" well so, ya in a way this can Cure Recession (dont buy Expensive OS, no need to save money for that, no need to kick ppl out ... :P)

God knows, what makes them think that this is gonna be the cure for recession :S ... Many big shot companies have stopped using M$ products like MS Office.. many have shifted to the FREEE Open Office. Even in some KPOs they have started using Open Office. Being my own company, where i've workd.. its a big name in networking field and they use Open Office at their corporate and their Tech Support.

The fact is, M$ had lost emselves a coulpe of years back at the time of Windows 98 which was known for crashes and BSODs and dump errors and what not! then they gained some respect by releasing Windows XP which helped em make a really huge amount of money and grew their business further. Windows Vista seemed to be a gr8 when ppl were on XP, but the history repeats itself.. Vista turned out to be a crap OS.. with insanely no logic system which did nothing but just promote monopoly or proprietary of M$ (in the name of M$ Certified H/W or S/W)..

After releasing lost alot in the market and this is not just about the money am talking about. Releasing Windows 7 must be or is a moment of excitement for M$ users or fanboies but genuinely M$ is all coming down and feels like an end of an era (which i know is not gonna happen even if win7 fails like vista).

If they want to get the respect and the market back, they need to go for free upgrades sorta things (which i've mentioned earlier) and should really sit and think looking @ ppl who love linux (yes, i mean JUST half eaten fruit :P) that, apart from its freeness or open source nature what is / are the other things in Linux which ppl are liking.. Therez no scope or hope that M$ will go Open Source as its impossible and nobody is even expecting that.. but still they can make surely a gr8 Operating System which can still make their users (End Users, etc) stick to M$ operating systems.

They are making Operating Systems.. they are supposed to be good and not that high resources / system requirements should be there. Afterall its not a game that needs latest gfx cards.. its just an OS.. u can make it look like Next Gen @ the sametime lessen up the other crap that it needs..(not comparing linux with Win, but a fact.. the effects, the level of customization, optimization they have in linux.. if u even try to get some of these using some 3rd party softwares on ur Windows..ur system starts crying further)

...thats it folks.. thnx for reading :P
Switch said:
Are you all nuts. Ofcourse Windows 7 is "the only" way to revive the economy. Heck who needs food and shelter for the family. All one need is a shiny new lappy with Windows 7 on it. Too bad its coming out late this year. Some of my family member may die by then cause i would be saving for that lappy with that OS and not buying any food.

Rx win 7 RC1 , may b your family will survive till the actual launch ;)
French police: we saved millions of euros by adopting Ubuntu

A recent report has revealed that France's national police force has saved an estimated 50 million euros since 2004 by adopting open source software and migrating a portion of the organization's workstations to Ubuntu Linux. They plan to roll out the Linux distro to all 90,000 of their workstations by 2015.

"Moving from Microsoft XP to Vista would not have brought us many advantages and Microsoft said it would require training of users," said Lt. Col. Guimard. "Moving from XP to Ubuntu, however, proved very easy. The two biggest differences are the icons and the games. Games are not our priority."

As the global financial downturn continues to put pressure on budgets, governments are going to increasingly look to open source software as a way to cut IT costs.

Thats how you save a cripplied economy not by asking millions to pay zillions and one individual getting richer! :@
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