Windows 7 Explorer Query

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Hi Guys,

I'm using Windows 7. I've put all the relevant files for indexing & stuff. However, whenever I select the option in windows explorer saying "Sort By Date", it takes long to do that (with the progress bar showing on top). In windows XP this used to happen instantly.

Any idea why ?
Dont know the reason but here is the workaround I follow...

1. Click on sort by date
2. Go back to previous folder(one level up)
3. Open the folder again.. files are now sorted by date :)

takes a couple of seconds this way...(if u r fast enough then only one sec...)
dont think so...

Its because of some sort of video file with unknown format(to windows 7) or the particular codec for the window is not installed and when Explorer try to create a thumbnail of the video it get stuck on it..

This is the cause.....
My Windows 7 don't have such problem. It get shorted instantly. Here is how you can solve problem on your windows 7.

1) Open Windows Explorer
2) Navigate Organize >> Properties >> Customize

Set Optimize this folder for to "General Items" also check to apply to the subfolders.
Now Apply >> Apply >> OK
That should solve your problem.
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