Windows 7 is giving me 'BOOTMGR is missing" error!

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I have Fedora 14 and Windows 7 x64 installed on my system. Fedora works perfectly. However, some days ago, windows started showing me the message:

Press Ctrl + Alt +Del to reboot.

Now, I have received this problem before and know one way of solving it. I inserted my Windows 7 DVD and booted via that. However, the screen goes blank after the files are loaded and the Windows logo appears. And it stays that way for hours. I tried another Windows 7 disc and it showed the same problem.

And unless you think it is a problem with my optical drive, I booted via Windows XP x64 disc and Fedora 14's disc, and they worked smoothly. It is only Windows 7 that's giving me a problem. I copied the DVD to a USB via the Microsoft Tool and tried booting via that but again the screen went blank after the Windows Logo.

Are there any other ways of repairing this issue. How do I repair my Bootmgr file? I notice there are two files


on my Windows 7 DVD. Should I boot via Fedora and paste those file somewhere? Will that correct the problem?

Any other suggestions? Please help!
Umm, thanks but I had already looked into it. My problem is different, hence I had top open a separate thread.

I CANNOT boot off the Windows 7 Setup CD (as stated in the OP) which is why I have to search for alternative options. Anyone else help please?

I would suggest you to load GRUB again.

Had faced almost similar installation issues on my Win 7 64/Ubuntu 10.10 many times.

Maybe this can help you Ubuntu Blog: Howto Recover Grub2 After Windows Installation

Though this is for Ubuntu..I guess it would more or less pretty same for Fedora

PS : Fire up google using ' BOOTMGR IS MISSING on a dual boot windows fedora machine' . I could get some things in there.
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