Windows 7 RC as stand-alone?

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Hi guys,
As the topic suggests, i was wondering whether RC build 7000 is good enough to be used as a stand alone OS. ( I am currently using Win Xp and 7 beta as dual boot)

If not, i was wondering how can i update my current beta to this latest RC (Assuming i have the ISO)
I have been using windows 7 build 7000 x64 as a standalone os since the day after it released in torrents. Didnt even think twice. Havent faced any issue. Drivers if not supported install in vista compatibility mode and its fine.

Windows 7 Is simply great what else do I need to say
Havn't the Windows 7 discussions since last december been enough to point out that many of us here have been using Windows 7 builds as the default OS. No problems, No issues. Go for it. Its all cool.
Gizmo,im using a prebeta 6800 build and its still going strong for abt 5-6 months now, so like i told you before, theres nothing to worry..

There is a patch to upgrade the current install but i'd recommend afresh install, cause obviously by wanting to upgrade, your really pushing the beta/RC builds to the limit..Rather backup and do a fresh install..
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