windows 7 will expire in 0 hrs


i recently got a message that my windows will expire in 0 hrs...and it said i need to back up my files and all

then after 2 hrs my pc rebooted....i was able to log in again and fortunately my windows is still there

but i m really scared whether i will lose my windows...pls lemme knw...i cant afford to lose it

i m using windows 7 ultimate evaluation copy build 7100 and under system properties it shows that the windows is activated

all my dates and everythin is proper

can any1 temme why am i getting this message...?
is ther a way i can permanently activate windows ??
plss help :)
i have the same problem with win7 installed in laptop ... its the 7100 version only ... it started giving that error a week back but nothing is happening ... showing activated but dunno ... so im backing the data up :D
hey bro i was getting this same type of error i also ignored it and then my hdd was dead

dont know whether it will hapen to u or not

but plz take backup immediately in order to be safe

yeah but i used 7600 rtm ultimate
All Win7 evalution builds are dated to expire somewhere in June, but all of those are dated to semi-expiration sorts since March 1st. You will still be able to use windows, but it will automatically shutdown every two hours.

The final version of Windows 7 is out, go ahead and grab it. :)
swastikrj said:
hey bro i was getting this same type of error i also ignored it and then my hdd was dead

dont know whether it will hapen to u or not

but plz take backup immediately in order to be safe

yeah but i used 7600 rtm ultimate
dude i cannot afford to lose data at all....i hv 1 tb hdd and no external backup seriously i cannot afford to back up 1tb of data anywhere hdd is almost drives are empty

and when u say ur hdd was dead...does it mean it crashed completely and u ended up losing all ur data....

iGo said:
The final version of Windows 7 is out, go ahead and grab it. :)

where is it availabl...microsft site ??
it was dead i.e it was just detected in bios but i wasnt able to boot win 7 nor xp and neither was i able to format it thorugh xp cd

so i gave it for rma and got a replaced one
hmm i m really not sure about the reason of the hdd going dead but the same error i was getting in win 7 so just told u so u wont lose ur data
Windows 7 free version these downloaded ones u are using are going to expire in June so I say replace your windows with Vista or XP or buy a legal copy of Windows 7 and it is out and selling in stores you un-updated people ...........

This version was to check for bugs and errors as they didn't want it to be a disaster like Vista .........
MS was talking BS about the trial periods on early days. I clearly remember them saying in big fonts " you can use the trial till July 2011", and seeing it huge success, they cut down the trial by 5 month.

They have already started shutting down trials a week ago.
unfortunately, you will not be able to upgrade... there is a hack using the upgrade disc but if you will need lots of free disk space, also it will not be supported by MS even if you use an original downloaded ISO... i suggest you backup the files on your windows partition and reinstall while you can..
The version you guys are using is supposed to be till june end.But starting 1st march your PC will shutdown every 2 hrs and then windows wont start after June. So, buy the final retail version.

“To avoid interruption, you’ll need to rebuild your test machine using a valid version of Windows before the software expires. Windows will notify you that the expiration process is beginning and two weeks later your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. The Beta expires on August 1, 2009, and bi-hourly shutdowns will begin July 1, 2009. The RC will expire June 1, 2010, and the bi-hourly shutdowns will begin on March 1, 2010. In both cases, you’ll need to rebuild your test PC to replace the OS and reinstall all your programs and data.”
abhi.eternal said:
unfortunately, you will not be able to upgrade... there is a hack using the upgrade disc but if you will need lots of free disk space, also it will not be supported by MS even if you use an original downloaded ISO... i suggest you backup the files on your windows partition and reinstall while you can..

I upgraded my Windows 7 7100 Build to the final Windows Ultimate a week back.