Windows 7 Winload.exe error !



Hello to all:Hi: ! I've been here from sometime but haven't posted anything as yet !

Anyways here's the thing now,

I've Windows 7 Ultimate RTM (D:\) and Vista Ultimate (C:\),I had first installed Vista offcourse and then installed the windows 7.The Vista is on C a separate HDD and W7 on separate HDD with single partition on each drive !

Now the problem,when I installed W7(although the installation itself was very painful as my comp refused to boot with the W7 Disc) over vista all was honky dory :D ! but for some strange reason the Vista conked with the GPC (Group Policy CLient ) not working !! since I was the only user (meaning no secondary account) I logged as Admin and all that shit but none worked to restore the service back !

The strange thing was,once I started getting this error I was not able to open any .exe's what so ever ! so out if frustration I just decided to remove the Vista and do clean install again !

When I reinstalled Vista Sp2 over W7 (same as earlier Vista being in on single HDD which is C ) I was not able to boot !

Which was natural as vista wiped the W7 loader and such ! So I used Vistaboot pro and tried to add the W7 which was sucessful ! But when I selected the W7 the error "winload.exe's digital signature is not valid" comes and the system halts,Am not able to even go with advanced options ! meaning the F8 won't work !

I tried to update the signature when I was running vista (which offcourse runs without a hitch) but no use it still says the same ! even in vista if I open the properties and check the signature it says the same !

As said earlier my comp won't boot with W7 disc so that leaves me with very less option !!

Please let me know if someone has some solutions for this ! I've tried all I can to overcome this but none was of any help !

For x64-based computers, all kernel-mode drivers must be digitally signed.

And for x86-based or itanium based computers, the following kernel-mode drivers require a digital signature -

tpm.sys and winload.exe.

So if the kernel-mode driver is not signed, the operating system might not load it, and hence you are getting that error.

May be you might want to try getting winload.exe from someone elses Win7 system. Give it a shot if that works well and fine else you have to reinstall Win7. But if you can get your DVD to boot then there should be an option to fix it.

Tush Thanks for replying !

Mine is a AMD Sempron,so its not X64 !! even otherwise I tried the disable digital signature checking (or whatever) from Vistaboot Pro,but not much of a use !

I also extracted the Boot folder itself from W7 Win Image (.WIM) replaced it in place of the original folder,but the error continues !

I don't what else to do to boot Via W7 Cd as I've tried it all ! if I could I may have used the repair option and seen what results that would've given !

The Damn MS website doesn't say a squat bout this ! so have to figure out on my own I guess !

Thanks anyways !
