Windows Windows app or tool to control Bluetooth led devices


I have a few Bluetooth 5v 5050 led stripes purchased from Amazon which can easily be managed via many Android apps from the playstore.
But I'm now looking for a Windows based store app or an external piece of tool using which such devices can be controlled from within the windows os.

I found only one on MS store "Magic LED lights" but its useless and so looking for more options if anyone can help with it.

My existing led stripes are already paired with my phones and Win 10.
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Can you link the app which controls the strip?
Also post image of 5050 led strip, power side setup.

What kind of led strip this is?
1. One where when you change color, it applies to all LEDs of the strip.
2. Each led can change color independent of each other.
Looks like you have to install an android emulator which supports bluetooth, so you can install the android app and connect to the strip. Very tedious process, not recommended.

This strip has controller attached to it and it only receives inputs using bluetooth I think.

In the DIY world there are lot of options, the most popular one being WLED. You can use any WS2812B strip and connect it to any cheap ESP32 board, ESP32 becomes the controller here when you install the WLED software into it. Now for power you can use any power adapter, depending upon what voltage/current your LED strip uses most common are 5V and 12V. With this step you can control the lights via WiFi network (from browser in your PC) because ESP32 has wifi capabilities and you can also control with direct USB connection by connecting ESP32 to your PC over USB (using serial).

Control via WIFI is more popular because it supports many protocols, over USB I think only two protocols are supported (Adalight or TPM2). Protocols are basically formats in which data is sent to the LED strips.

WLED Starting Guide for Beginners
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