Windows Live Essentials Beta released

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The new beta's of Windows Live softwares for Windows has been launched under the new name - Windows Live Essentials.

I have not found the new features list, but here are the screenshots from the official site -

Windows Live Messenger -


Windows Live Mail -

Windows Live Writer -

Windows Live Photo Gallery -

Windows Live Movie Maker -

Windows Live Family Safety -

Windows Live Toolbar -

The other apps included in the suite are - Microsoft Office Outlook® Connector, Office Live Add-in and Microsoft Silverlight.

As always, you can get hold of the suite from - Essentials beta - Windows Live

Online Setup -
Offline Setup - reports what all is new with this release.
For the latest info, check Spotting the Changes in Essentials - LiveSide - News blog - LiveSide - Windows Live news and interviews regularly.

Here are the new list of peripherals installed with the Essentials beta -
Windows Imaging Component Hotfix
SQL Server CE 3.1
Search Enhacement Pack
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime
Microsoft Sync Framework Services
Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime
Direct3D 9
Junk Mail filter update
Microsoft Application Error Reporting
Windows Live Communications Platform
Windows Live Call
Windows Live Sync

The Direct3D 9 enhancements, for example, are really adding some nice touches to Messenger and Mail, among others. Really loving the new toast:

So far we’ve spotted (or confirmed what we were expecting), along with the visual improvements (including the new icons), the ability to insert albums in Live Writer, to save shared photos in Messenger, and What’s new messages in the Messenger header:
have used the live writer for blogging, its pretty good. Will now try the other apps. Thanks. :hap2:
Anish said:
In other words the Windows Live Bloatware Suite...

You might be the first person i have seen who thinkg the Live suite is a bloatware! I do not find even a single app of the suite to be bloated in comparision to the features.
And the whole list of peripherals is not installed if you instal any single app from the suite, each app has a few complementary components which are installed if you choose that app.

Update - Added direct download links.
alsiladka said:
You might be the first person i have seen who thinkg the Live suite is a bloatware! I do not find even a single app of the suite to be bloated in comparision to the features.
And the whole list of peripherals is not installed if you instal any single app from the suite, each app has a few complementary components which are installed if you choose that app.
Update - Added direct download links.
I know that. And I myself use it because of sheer lack of other options. But WLM is a total memory hog as compared to Trillian or Adium (OS X) and the video calls barely work ever!
Anish said:
I know that. And I myself use it because of sheer lack of other options. But WLM is a total memory hog as compared to Trillian or Adium (OS X) and the video calls barely work ever!

Oh, man. Plz not again. Again this will start a debate on OSX vs Windows. :no:

If u find WLM as a memory hog and Trillian or Adium better, use it. I am quite happy with this new feature of Microsoft and i am more than happy using it on Windows as many others would be.
And, now i won't call this bloatware anymore coz i get only what i need from Windows Live Essentials. There is no point making a comparision with OSX features dude. :@
^ Errr.. Trillian is a Windows app :P

And yes, you can compare WLM to Skype/GTalk which use far lesser resources. The only reason people are still using WLM is that most of the older IM users were on hotmail and hence its essential for networking.

The younger crowd is using Gtalk anyways...
broar94 said:
These things came pre-installed with my asus 1000h :P . I removed the bloatware ASAP

Bad choice, you should have tried them out once. As of now, Windows Live Photo Gallery is the best photo organiser out there. Yeah, i have used Picasa, but found this to be sleeker and simpler. And again yeah, one single feature, Kollage, is not enough for me to use an organiser.
And these are the new versions, released just yesterday. What came pre-installed on your Asus were the 2008 versions. There has been a hell lot of rework and improvements.
Anish said:
The younger crowd is using Gtalk anyways...

Yeah, coz they were caught on by the Gmail / Orkut craze. This is the same stupid young crowd which used to press F5 every 15 seconds while chatting on Orkut.

If Gtalk really wants to stake a claim to be a proper modern age IM, it needs Video capabilities across all the platforms and versions, a photo sharing, file sharing addition.
alsiladka said:
Yeah, coz they were caught on by the Gmail / Orkut craze. This is the same stupid young crowd which used to press F5 every 15 seconds while chatting on Orkut.
If Gtalk really wants to stake a claim to be a proper modern age IM, it needs Video capabilities across all the platforms and versions, a photo sharing, file sharing addition.
Yeah very true. Actually there isn't a service which can match MSN (Considering that Yahoo is worse) but Mircrosoft really do need to launch a better client in terms of functionality not features. WLM 8 was a massive memory leaker as well!
Anish said:
Yeah very true. Actually there isn't a service which can match MSN (Considering that Yahoo is worse) but Mircrosoft really do need to launch a better client in terms of functionality not features. WLM 8 was a massive memory leaker as well!

Yahoo was respectable until now, but they somehow scrwed up something which made it crash on Vista all the time!! They even had to start a private beta test for Vista!
WLM 8 was the first one where they changed the look, and it was pretty resource hogging. But you should try out this 2009 version. Takes 5MB in the background!!
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