Windows Mobile Help !

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Heart Repairer
Hi all

I have a Samsung i780 windows mobile 6.0 based phone

I want to upgrade to Windows Mobile OS 6.5:(

The Samsung India doesnot have any options for the same, where as the mobile phones of UK and austr can be upgraded at their respective websites

Problem is how to upgrade to WinMobile 6.5
Cooked Roms on xda-developers forum available I dont know how to do it

I am from Hyderabad

Any Help in this regard will be appreciated
drkrack said:
Cooked Roms on xda-developers forum available I dont know how to do it

Your answer is in your question.

Go to XDA and READ READ READ, and I stress some more - READ!

Start at the XDA Wiki Entry for your phone, and then proceed from there.

At the ROM Forum for your model - READ the stickies first and ensure you know the tips and things to keep a note of before you start flashing.

Now choose a ROM for flashing.

Read the starting post to see the features, additions, known issues etc.

Read the user comments on each ROM to know what precautions/ observations users have had.

Proceed with caution.

If you F*** Up or make a mistake during flashing, thats your own lookout. You end up with a expensive paperweight.

Check also if you need to SIM/ CID/ Security Unlock by understanding the wiki notes. If so, there may be a nominal fee required to be paid to the person who provides the tool, but thats a variable, and may not always apply.

Thanks for the suggestions


can i get genuine win mo 6.5 and install ? if so how to proceed?

cooked roms i read a lot but I could not understand,

anyone in hyderabad who can do it for me?

any other concrete solutions.. Guys come on ..
drkrack said:
Thanks for the suggestions

can i get genuine win mo 6.5 and install ? if so how to proceed?

cooked roms i read a lot but I could not understand,
anyone in hyderabad who can do it for me?
any other concrete solutions.. Guys come on ..

I don't think you an buy genuine Windows Mobile 6.5. MS releases OEM version for mobile OS...and even you upgrade, what about the drivers for your hardware (like cam etc)? Best bet would be to search for cooked rom for your device and use that.
I don't think your phone is supported / discussed at XDA. XDA is only for HTC devices. Unless your phone is manufactured by HTC for Samsung (which is HIGHLY unlikely) you need to look elsewhere.

Google around. Hopefully you should find something for your phone.


EDIT: There seems to be one thread in the General section of XDA with a 6.1 rom for your device but you already have that. Can't seem to find anything about 6.5. Sorry
Thanks for the replies

there is a definitive thread for 6.5 and also 6.1 in xda developers
but the serial numbers of the fones is for UK and australia only..

can we use them on indian phones ...?
The prob with XDA is it is not newbe(and also noob)friendly ..
they dont discuss how to go abt step by step...
I hav read those threads many a times but no use..

any vender in Hyderabad who can do this for me ??
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