Microsoft still has a few months before it intends to get the first volley of Windows Phone 7-based products to the marketplace, but we've recently been provided with reference hardware -- a not-for-retail Samsung called "Taylor" that's closely modeled on the Symbian-based i8910HD -- to get a feel for where they're at as the clock ticks down. Is this shaping up to be a killer platform for the next generation of high-end smartphones? And more importantly, can it win customers? Read on for our first take.
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Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview -- Engadget
To me it really dsnt look that enticing. I mean there is no multitasking,SMS functionality is quite basic etc. The worst is the Contact List App called Peoples App. I mean its directly synced to your Facebook account. Do you really want that !!!
The two things i am looking forward to in this platform are:
1)Xbox Live Integration - As of now it only brings up your avatar in the phone. I hope MS finds a way to incorporate online multiplayer gaming through this.
2)Office Integration - For Those who handle a lot of Docs.