Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview

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Merits/Demerits aside, we still haven't got an answer to the most important question

Which of the WP7 phones are launching in India and when?
If iphone can come out without copy and paste and still sell millions then I think WP7 has every chance to sell. Honestly how many of you actually are using copy and paste anyway? Also its easier to select, delete and retype than copy and paste. Many ppl don't even know that Symbian offers copy and paste. Its not a deal breaker. Overall its awesome. Iphone beware. As far as android is concerned it is a totally different ball game.
I think the UI is very good. Microsoft has finally started thinking out of the box and tried to do something innovative with WP7 and Kinect.

Though a few quirks a still there, however I suppose it will carve a market of its own due to its xbox live integration and native support for everything MS.

Personally in terms of usefulness of UI , I feel Android>=WP7>iphone

Love it..Exactly what i wud LOVE in my phone...

Hope that features list increase 3 folds, and the disadvantages reduce..

No copy paste, No Multitasking? wtf? Is this stone age? :@
jaganm said:
Merits/Demerits aside, we still haven't got an answer to the most important question

Which of the WP7 phones are launching in India and when?
called up my MS contact. None is launching in India this year.
Party Monger said:

Love it..Exactly what i wud LOVE in my phone...

Hope that features list increase 3 folds, and the disadvantages reduce..

No copy paste, No Multitasking? wtf? Is this stone age? :@

Like I posted elsewhere, Multi-tasking is a big beast. Android amazingly got it right off the bat but it is seriously difficult to do it for a mobile target in a way that is useful for users but still is good on the battery. iPhone took 3 years after initial launch to get it. MS knows that it is a big checkbox for users that they haven't catered to do but the last thing they would want in this fresh start of theirs is to fill a check box in return for all the bad PR they "could" get for even small cases of bad user experience or battery hit. See how much bad press Android gets for multi tasking even though 95% of it is myth/user perception and not an actual problem. So, they are playing it safe for the initial launch. However, development is ongoing at a blistering pace to add new features and stuff and I think it should come to the platform sooner than later.
Saw the vids of all the phones on Engadget. Amazing UI, super fast screen transitions, multi-touch works as good as it should. The best of the lot, for me at least, is definitely the HTC HD7. I was almost about to buy the HD2, but Win Mo 6.5 prevented that. As soon as they get multi-tasking going, this definitely going to be my next phone. <3

HTC HD7 preview (update: video!) -- Engadget
GSMA said:
No Bluetooth file transfers

No USB mass storage mode

No multitasking

No copy/paste

No DivX/XviD video support

No internet tethering support

Memory cards are not natively supported by the OS

Damn that's a whole lot of cons! I hope later versions can support these functions.
Desecrator said:
Damn that's a whole lot of cons! I hope later versions can support these functions.
yeah. it's like first gen iphone with a better UI. Like someone said on Cnet, it's better to attack on weaknesses of competition than to attack on strong points.
1. no CDMA wp7 phones for Verizon/Sprint. Had MS released CDMA version, they would've been in a better position given that most ATT customers will always go for iphone 4 over winpho7.
2. Tethering is one feature that will be extremely helpful for those on the move and using 3G. Not having this option is '.|.'
3. The apps menu is a list and there is no option to have icon grid. Imagine the pain after installing 40-50 apps.

The UI is certainly fresh but I am very sceptical about first gen phones. The second gen is where the real fun starts IMO. Better apps, better xbox live games and integration, most of the -ves like tethering, copy-paste fixed etc. That's when I will be looking for a new phone :)
The cons are one too many for a OS released in 2010. Its was not excusable for iOS back in 2007 and sure as hell not excusable for WP7 in 2010. Whats even bad is that MS already had many of these things in their previous iterations of Mobile OS. As for the UI, you would either love it or hate it, but overall, I think MS did a pretty good job in improving the performance and responsiveness of the OS compared to the pre-release versions. Lack of Multitasking, Copy/Paste and Native Memory card support is however enough for me to disregard it as a proper smart phone OS though.
I like the UI a lot too... just hard to tell how smooth/responsive it is watching youtube videos... need to hold in your own hand and "see it to believe it" :)

BTW I understand that no WinMo (6.5 etc) apps/software will work on this, you need to (re)write software in Silverlight, .NET Compact Framework, XNA for games etc.
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