Windows Vista: I am ADMIN but Nokia PC Suite says I am Not !!!

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I have Vista preinstalled Toshiba Laptop. I installed nokia PC suite on it. I tried setting up a new connection for internet access. But as soon as i clicked on "Connect to Internet" icon it said "You are not the administrator. Only administrator can setup a new connection"

Now what can i do in this case. In order to cross check i checked under user accounts and it shows only one account as "Admin" and below its icon its written as "Administrator"

As a workaround i had to install PC suite on windows XP which is setup on Vmware on my vista.
right click on the pcsuite icon and select "run as administrator". or disable UAC
thanks buddy. It worked.

Sorry but i am a nOOb to Vista.

Also how can i apply this permanently to all the programs i run on this machine ?
Dont disable UAC, simply start PC Suite in the Admin mode. Also, which version of PC Suite are you using? The latest one is
Disable UAC, its annoying as hell. I couldn't share my drives over a private network since Vista wouldnt recognize my login as the administrator to provide the administrative share feature.

All in all UAC has been voted as the best defense tool against malware et al. But still, very annoying.
What is UAC ?

how do i disable UAC ?

Is it safe to disable it ?

I have Avast Antivirus running all the time and is also updated regularly. Will it take care if i disable the UAC ?
on vista

UAC <--> User Account Control

...yes..the Annoying thing that pops up while performing any action requiring administrative actions..

to disable uac...

control panel>>user accounts(>>Select account)>>Turn User Account Control On or Off


uncheck box 'Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer'


UAC was introduced in vista so that any application wont do actions like writing to registry or system files without your notice.

if a malicious application tries to modify system files windows will show a prompt and ask the user to choose.

Many people dont like UAC because its annoying.

You can disable UAC from control panel.

I use my system with UAC enabled.
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