windows wows


hi all, this is the situation main instalation of windows keeps rebooting with no error message? tried safe mode to read event veiwer - nothing reported, all works ok in safe mode!
Tried 'msconfig' selective startup diabled each entry one by one - still the same reboots with no error message/nothing in event veiwer!,
Tried 'msconfig' debugging mode enable each service one by one - still the same situation !!!!! :mad:
Tried to fresh install of windows for C: (main installation) - after selecting which partition to reformat (C:) it blue screened with 0x0000000a & 0x000000024 !!!!!!!!!!!

what i have is :
i have 2 installs of windows
main = C: (general use normal install) this is were the problem is!
secondary = D: (games only some services disabled restricted net access) no problems at all ???
hda6(3rd partition extended primary) ubuntu boots from floppy - no problems at all ???

so because i have 2 other os' that work (1win,1deb) i know this is not a hardware issue as the other 2 os' do not report any problems;
event veiwer not reporting probs, dmesg not rporting probs, lspci reports all well, sensors still works, smart tools says all is well, all partitions are still accessable from debian and 2nd win???
even chkdsk C: /F /R does not find any errors
what do i do
Are you sure that it is not because of a Faulty RAM or a bad sector on the HDD? And also see if the installation restarts at a the same point each time. It might also give some clues.
Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

The Stop 0x24 message indicates that a problem occurred within Ntfs.sys, the driver file that allows the system to read and write to NTFS file system drives. A similar Stop message, 0x23, exists for the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file systems.

you will need to replace your corrupt ntfs.sys file with a good one.

thee two links should help you understand more

be careful to backup your files before you do anything.
6pack said:
you will need to replace your corrupt ntfs.sys file with a good one.

thee two links should help you understand more

be careful to backup your files before you do anything.

thanks for the feed back

but i have fixed it and i cannot replace a file during the installation as all the files install uses are being loaded off the cd thats why it uses

'windows executive'

that way they have the same base install accross the board..

but to get around the bsod i had to disable cl1 & cl2 cache in bios, i do remember having a few probs when i first install on this mobo i think for some reason it does not like my mobo...

but thanks for all the replies

problem now solved
jetway v266b mobo
athlon 1.1 ghz Tbird CPU
radeon 9200 se GFX
1024 mb pc 133 sdram
160 gb diamond max (primary master) this is where windows & linux installed
80 gb diamond max (secondary master)

2x windows xp pro C:\ (main), D:\ (games only) (hda1,hda2)
1x ubuntu breezy badger / (hda6) 1gb swap (hda7) /public (hda10)
hopefully i will have enough cash for a H/ware upgrade by march next year

i located the problem to be a dodgy cpu (lets face it, it is very old & runs hot)as all is ok when i disable both L1 & L2 cache in bios so the install took about 2 hrs to load windows executive !! after all files had copied to drive & it rebooted i went staight into bios and re-enabled the cache's & all was ok :clap:

but the strange thing is i dont have this problem when i try to install *nix so windows is doing somthing very different