WinXp and Win 7 and Linux(ubuntu) and OS X Multi boot

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Is it possible to multiboot Xp,Win 7,OS X (hacked version) and Linux (ubuntu may be) ? If yes , what will be the order of OS installation ?
There is no order of installation. Do as you feel like. Use grub as the main boot loader and everything will be fine.

Just to be on the safe and easy side install Linux in the end so that it automatically add Mac and Windows entry in the bootloader. You can try this

On a quick note. Stay away from Ubuntu since you are using ATI card. The fglrx and intel driver is in pathetic condition in Ubuntu 9.04 ad 9.10 :|
^^Just give me one reason to degrade your X ? When there are other alternatives available why should one consider degrading ?
I've used Ubuntu with ATI 3450, had no probs except somewhat bad HD playback.
Dark Star said:
On a quick note. Stay away from Ubuntu since you are using ATI card. The fglrx and intel driver is in pathetic condition in Ubuntu 9.04 ad 9.10 :|
guys which linux distro will go green with ATI gfx card ??

linux and OS X will be be for experimental usage. Main target is Winxp (32bit) and Win 7 (64bit).As for the ATI_ubuntu driver problem - I am not planning to use any 3D or video specific activity on linux for a time being .Is the dafault driver that comes with ubuntu is not enough for getting the X window ?
if using 9.04 upgrade your xserver with the one in this ppa

#xserver - with no backfill

deb [url][/url] jaunty main

and everything is good to go, and do install latest catalyst drivers(9.7).
^^Default driver will work. But not recommended for prolonged work, installation of fglrx is must.

Try mandriva or sabayon 4.2 KDE: )

Sabayon comes with fgrlx pre installed :)
If u r sure that 9.10 will play HD content without issues then i will use it :)
Dark Star said:
^^Have you installed the fglrx driver. and here we are talking about 9.04 and 9.10 :) Not 8.10 :)
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