WinXP having weird problems...


Hi guys, my WinXP is acting weird lately. :S When the PC starts and I click on a user's name, the desktop doesn't load. Instead I have to press Ctrl Alt Del and then start it somehow. Then suddenly, whatever application I have opened suddenly closes, the desktop flashes(as it does when you log off or shut down your PC), the application is closed, and I see the desktop again. The PC then gets excruciatingly slow and takes minutes to perform simple tasks like refreshing the desktop or opening My Computer.

What is happening guys? I have already changed the HDD cable and cleaned/changed the RAM slot. What's wrong? Can you help me please? :(
By any chance do u have a Seagate hdd? If yes, what's the firmware version.
Cos I have a 500gb Seagate hdd with same problem as urs and it got solved on updating my hdd firmware :)
@PiXeLpUsHeR : No, I don't have virus protection. But when I tried installing Norton, I got a weird error saying "your MS installer could not be verified".

@vdumbboy : How to upgrade the HDD's firmware? BTW, I am using this HDD for more than a year and it was working fine before.

Also, I forgot to mention one thing, I am seeing the CPU usage as 100%. Why's that?

BTW, I am on WinXP SP3.
My guess is a virus, often they will prevent you from installing software or antivirus programs. Try online virus if you can.. do a google search.. they are free and there are a lot of companies that offer them.

If you are unable to do this because of internet or other reasons....

Download process explorer and use it to kill any unrecognizable, suspicious or non-essential programs, then try and install virus protection again.
OK guys, here is the log. BTW, I didn't find any suspicious process in the Process Explorer application. Also, as I said, the CPU usage is being shown as 100%. Now what do I do guys? :( Will I have to format my PC or this is a hardware problem? :huh:


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cool_dude said:
OK guys, here is the log. BTW, I didn't find any suspicious process in the Process Explorer application. Also, as I said, the CPU usage is being shown as 100%. Now what do I do guys? :( Will I have to format my PC or this is a hardware problem? :huh:
ok now try to open the task manager and try to find out what is the process thats taking all your cpu utilization .try to end the process and try to google the the process name in google to find out more about it.
goto start run type msconfig and disable all the startup itmes you dont know about or try fdoing a clean boot (google)
go to ewido online scan website(ewido is AVG - anti-spyware, anti-malware and anti-virus software) and tr yt odo an online spyware scan .
Hardware issues usually result in total failure to boot XP.

You are totally comprised from your logs, I would suggest a clean install. Some of the viruses and rootkits nowadays are pretty difficult to get rid off, you can try but I would suggest a clean install and install a good antivirus like NOD32.


and all entries from

'R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page'

suggests an extraordinarily serious infection, among the worst I have seen. There are 20-30 or more dubious dlls & BHO entries, you hosts file seems to be totally compromised What have you been doing?

Format, reinstall XP, install NOD32 or any good antivirus + antispyware and then go online. Use Firefox with no script plugin to prevent this sort of thing happening again, after reinstalling and getting your system to a reasonable state take a backup with Acronis True Image and save that in a secure place or good quality dvd, so you can quickly recover next time you get hit like this. Read a good online guide on securing your system and preventing things like autoplay on any external drives.
OK, thanks guys! Looks like I am in deep trouble. :( I think I will reinstall

Windows. I think that will be the best thing to do. Now, just 1 question. Should I format my entire HDD or just the C drive?
Usually you will be able to get away by a clean install of C, however it depends on what kinds of files are in the other drives & USB drives, executable files that could be infected pose a particular risk of reinfection.

So do a clean install of C and after installing an antivirus and antispyware do a scan of your other drives to identify any suspect files. If your data is backed up and you don't need the data on the other partitions format everything and start afresh. Media files ie mp3s, video files and img files are usually safe.
cool_dude said:
OK, thanks guys! Looks like I am in deep trouble. :( I think I will reinstall
Windows. I think that will be the best thing to do. Now, just 1 question. Should I format my entire HDD or just the C drive?

Dude just go to HijackThis Logfileauswertung and paste the log there. You will exactly be able to detect the issue. As when I analyzed your log file at HijackThis Logfileauswertung I see there are many issues. So better you go and look all the issues and fix em.