Wireless across 3 floors - possible with wireless 'n' ?


Hi guys
I'll come to the queries straight away.

I have a 3 storeyed house with my room on 2nd floor and the wifi router ( currently a Linksys WRT54GL ) located on he mezzanine floor ( between 1st and 2nd floor ).

My company's administration office is located on the ground floor and i am using the same net connection in my room as well as office over Wifi.

My room being hardly 10 feet away from the router - with a few obstructions - gets enough range for the net ( a linksys unit ). But my office, abt 30 ft ( in straight line ) away from the router and with a larger extent of obstructions get almost nil range, unless i put the Wifi adapter ( a PRO-Link unit ) out of the office, hanging on a wall and exposed.
I tried using the network expander from linksys, but somehow it didnt work very well.

Now since the wireless-n routers are easily available, is it really useful to switch over to these, or stay with the wireless-g and use something like the network expander or the home made range expanders ?

Anyone tried and tested the 'n' routers ?
I've used 2 'n' routers so far and the current one is the top of the line Linksys WRT600N.

I'm pretty sure the WRT600N will give you enough signal across all 3 floors, but the catch is you need a 802.11n adaptor for your notebook/desktop as well. Once that is done, the speed and range improvements are certainly there over 802.11g, not as much as claimed, but substantial enough to make the upgrade.
hey anish - thanks a lot for the info !

I know that i'll need to change over to 'n' adapters with change of router.

Can you tell me how much the Linksys WRT600N and wireless n adapters set you back ?