Linux Wireless ad-hoc finally up but how to enable ICS?

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Wel, finally I managed to get my wireless ad-hoc network on Linux (mandrake 9.2) up and running...Now I can ping/share files between the linux machine and my XP notebooks....

However, now I need to enable Internet connection sharing between eth0 (my NIC connected to the Net ) and atml0 (the atmel wireless device) so that the XP machine connecting to atml0 over wireless can also access the internet
I cannot use the ICS wizard in Mandrake control center as my wireless device (atml0) does not get listed there so I suppose I need to do it over the CLI Konsole :-(
Beinga Linux n00b, would appreciate if someone could give me step-by-step directions
Haha,....weird probs I keep running into one answered on techspot and linuxquestions though.....
I though squid won't work because we culd not use p2p on my campus network behind a proxy .....Now that you say this, I guess it was coz of the rules they'd have set on th eproxy .....let me give it a try tmrw....too late to setup squid tonight ...after all i am a linux n00b and don't want to get frsutrated all night long
Squid is very powerful proxy server widely used. This linux thing is penetrating hard into companies. I myself setup a SAMBA with LDAP backend Primary domain controller for a small comapny recently on Suse Enterprise sever . It cant be compared to M$ Active Directory but c'mon this is a powerfull begining and it works great as a domain controller with "GQ LDAP client"for Linux ~ Active Directory Users & Groups snapin in Windows :)
Sorry for going off topic a little but anyways superzar Squid is the way to go for Proxy server on linux as well as on windows with Cygwin ;)
. If u find it crazy to edit conf files then why not try a browser based GUI like :

Some additional resources for your reference:

I would any time prefer Fedora, Suse over Mandrake :)


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